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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by A54M

  1. right checked the blower and it turned out to be faulty,managed to get a replacement and now i can feel my toes, thank god :)
  2. right how do i do that?? that's one thing i haven't tried
  3. i have changed the resistor pack to no avail, then the rear heating decided to give up the ghost. managed to get the rear heater working again turns out that was relay number 13 which is the blower auxiliary heater. now i am confused why the front is not working thinking it might be on a different relay, any thoughts as its freezing in the car and i cant feel my toes..
  4. i have the manual heater controls. no climate control. so shall i remove the glove box and then take a look, is there any chance of some pictures so i know exactly what im looking at in terms of removal and will i need to buy the faulty resistor packs from the dealers and how hard is it to remove the rheostats.
  5. i have a 51 plate 2.3 zetec galaxy, over the past few days the heater blower has had a mood of its own, it used to turn off and then turn back on again, now the blower does not even turn on.. i have checked all the fuses and they all seem to be fine, what could the problem be, help would be appreciated.thanks
  6. i replaced the speed sensor on the gear box and tried a replacement cluster, still doing the same thing. engine management light will come on and speedo will not work, still beeps if fuel tank is less than half.. no clue whats wrong! its taking the mick.
  7. i have the same problem on my 2001 ford galaxy 2.3 zetec its getting annoying the speedo just drops. has anyone fixed the problem would be great if someone could report back..cheers
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