Hi folks, My galaxy has developed a misfire, I'm a bit strapped for cash and reluctant to book it in to the local main dealer at the mo. Sympyoms started misfiring recently on the colder damper mornings, only the past few days. Today I checked the leads to make sure they were still plugged in, took them off and looked in the coil where they plug in, one was coroded. I squirted a bit of wd40 in hoping this would help and since then its run like a pig, the engine management light has come on, feels like firing only on 3, would I be right in assuming that the coil may be at fault? removing the guilty lead doesn't affect performace that much can the coil be brought from a local motor factors? Halfords? would the yellow management light go out or is it a main dealer reset ? 2001 2.3 zetec dohc. kind regards Mike