Heard the auto pump running when I switched the engine of so that's ok ( something I suppose lol ) noticed a pipe that runs along the bottom of the radiator is hot (ish) to a point then cold the rest of the way. Thinking start with thermostat and water pump. Offer is still open to anyone in the northwest lol :)
I've got leather seats in mine and the passanger airbag has come out of the pouch, the seller said its fallen out. Now the car has no sign of damage but the airbag is out and the light on the dash is on. Now my question is if I remove the battery can I remove the airbag as I've not a clue if it has gone off or has just come out. I'll get a pic up after but hope that make sence lol as my other post I can't really drive as looks like water pump failure so can't just take to a garage Ta :)
thanks chris, would you be able to hear the electric circulation pump running after switch off ? as ive not heard anything when ive switched the engine off ?
Yeah just looking online. Seems on searching more here could be a number of things ( thermostat, waterpump, heat matrix, block pipe ) Anyone in the Northwest up for a challenge lol ;)
Great forum guys :lol: Here is how my first day of Galaxy ownership ended, http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/417038_3047538302480_1083840192_32454592_549817613_n.jpg Its a 2001 (Y) MK2 Ghia 1.9tdi. All seemed fine then driving home on the motorway I noticed the temp guage creeping up and then in no time into the red and the 'stop' light appeared. Checked the fluids and all seemed fine. Drove off and once again back into the red ;). There is no heat at all coming through the vents even with the setting on hi. Recovery guy seems to think it maybe the water pump ( something todo with a plastic impellor ? ) but also told it could be head gasket ( but there is no oil in the water etc ) Is there anything obvious to check as ive had it running outside the house for ages but will not go past half way on the temp sensor it seems to be when im driving. Please help :lol: Thanks