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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by JClifton

  1. A final update for those still awake and who care. Took the Galaxy to Mr Ford in Farnborough (Hants) with engine trim etc removed ready to pop the new filter into place. Sounded even more tractor-like with less sound-proofing...! Anyway, a kindly engineer came to look, tried for 5 minutes before grabbing a ratchet spanner from his workshop. He took the passenger side wiper off and removed the bolt, followed by a second bolt in the middle of the wiper linkage assembly at the front. The whole wiper assembly was then free to be pulled down on the passenger's side, just about 4-6 inches. A moment later and he had success, put it all back together and left me to it. I gave him a tenner for his trouble. He said that sometimes they go in but sometimes they don't. His trick always sorts it for him. Having seen him do it I reckon I could do it myself next time - except with the Galaxy having just completed 150,000 miles I don't think there will be a next time...!
  2. Absoutely impossible job. Thanks for the potential help Seatkid but on my 1999 Galaxy there simply isn't room to get the frame in behind the wiper motor. The wiper motor doesn't seem to be the problem though. I can't get the frame upright enough to even line up with the gap it's supposed to go through. Is the frame meant to be behind or in front of the clips that the bulkhead extension fits under (the little metal bits arrowed in one of your pics)? I am reluctant to start tinkering with the wiper linkage or the motor itself as I might put the wiper alignment out. Think I will take it to Mr Ford in the week to get one of their service guys to have a look. By the way, my filter was completely black and chokd with debris - I guess nobody has ever replaced this in the past and I can't say I blame them! Wish I had done this in 40 minutes lke another member here - I've worked on this for about 4 hours so far and had to break the old frame to remove it and buy a new one. How stupid do I feel...?
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