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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by SUMMERFIELD

  1. It's possible to change the links with out jacking the car up and removing the wheels (and you don,t have to wrestle with the load of the torsion bar) by just turning the wheels to full lock,use some WD40 undoing the nuts and fitting the new links then turn the wheels the other way to change the other side.
  2. Problems solved, brocken wires in the tailgate to car body loom (drivers side) causing some fuses to blow.
  3. Thank you ( I'm new to this!)
  4. my car is a 2001 (on a51plate) 1.9 pd engined 115 ghia 63000 miles ha dthe usualproblems of worn front drop links (3 pairs) and duff auxilary glow plug
  5. The first sign of a problem was when the dashboard clock stopped,it wouldn,t advance when you pressed the button. when you lock the car with the remote only the passenger doors lock,when you stop the engine and remove the key the tacho still reads the tick over speed and both the temp / fuel gauges still regester, If you leave the lights on remove the key and open the drivers door the lights on reminder alarm doesn't work, By inserting the ignitition key and slowly turning it all the gauges return to zero and then the engine starts and they work normal, also when you remove the key both the odometer resets to zero along with both memories in the fuel consuption/trip computer.I have tried disconnecting the battery,checking the well under the passenger seat (bone dry) Every thing else electrical appears to work (even the auxilary heater works!) Is it the brake light switch? (the brake lights work) or a brocken wire in the door/car loom. the car is 5 years old and done 63000 miles.
  6. The noise you can hear is play in the ball ends of the links that link the front suspension struts to the torsion bar. If you get somebody with a bit of weight to rock the car from side to side (it helps if you've got roof bars)and then feel the links at the front behind the wheel you can feel the wear and hear them knocking. My Galaxy has had 2 sets on in 50000 miles. local dealer tells me He's known cars to come in with the links detatched there's been so much wear. (Mondeo,s also suffer from the same problem) It's possible to squeeze up the links in a vice to tighten up the play!
  7. Have just relpaced the glow plug (Ford dealer don't supply but obtained one from VW dealer Part No V7DO 963 319 019F04 GLOW PLUG cost
  8. I have a fault with my front wipers when you pull the stork towards you the back wiper works but not the front,this it self is strange! This morning when I tried it th e front wiper wiped once then refused to work. I guess by this that the front wiper motor is OK, and that the fault could be the connections to the front wiper motor As the weater is to cold at the moment to investigate I would appreciate any ideas before fun commences. Thanks (this is my first post)
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