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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy Zetec Mk11
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    South East

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  1. haha i thought the tyre was a bargain but then swallowed my words!
  2. Ive searched online near and far and CANNOT find the tensioner pulley for my 2001 2.3 Galaxy Ive found the idler okay at a bargain cost on £16 + £4 postage although i would rather find the robust steel ones (but cannot find anywhere- just the plastic ones) But NOWHERE can i find the tensioner one for 2001 (Yep i have the squeeling rats noise exhuming from under that bonnet)
  3. LISS GARAGE SERVICES (LGS) IN LISS HAMPSHIRE Took my 2001 Ford galaxy in for full service Gave them my 5 litres Castrol oil Gave them Oil filter Gave them Air filter they charged me £177 for labour - 2 and half hours work to: Change oil New spark plugs Anti freeze then new front tyre at £58 Oh and to tell me the advisorys i already knew from last MOT all amounting to £341 Yes, SOCK HORROR!! and they say the belong to the "Good garage scheme" My card got declined a few times until i had to use all the xmas food shopping money and sons birthday money and his party money , leaving me with the £3 i had left in my account
  4. the galaxy`s indicator relay was soldered onto fusebox .... fusebox obtained from scrappys at 70 quid including postage and 75 quid labour.......all for indicator lol ....problem solved!!!
  5. Managed to drive to garage in 3rd and 4th gear....... was siezed gear mechanism 52 quid for a bit of grease and 3/4 hour labour (better than a gearbox) Happy days :9:
  6. Haha definately a clutchy smell not tyre one :)... funny as have a pic of little boy racer in the front seat of a galaxy ;) - that was only in reverse the smell, so im presuming that cable is snapped / worn. I have a hill to struggle up before its all downhill 6 miles to garage, so guess that should test clutch! Previous garage did eventually call me to collect car (fusebox fitted for £80 and i got fusebox from scrappy`s for £45 ...... FORD wanted £800 for new fusebox hahaha *choke choke ) They obviously pumped my tyre up and wanted it gone probably incase they were responsible for a flattie ... im presuming i have slow puncture now Took over a week there .... so for the gearbox im chosing another garage as if i went previous one, i probably wouldnt see my car till after xmas BTW if its a sheared bolt in gearbox / or even worn cable`s etc ...arent i going to be doing more damage driving it to garage as not sure i can get anyone to tow it what being the size she is!! Do i take risk and maybe damage her more eeeeek!!!
  7. Two cables running from gear lever obviously to gearbox (have only got so far as to nosing from lever and casing) One cable to left is blue one cable is black What gears run from what cable (yes being nosey) Blue left one has play/ Black right one is tight as...... im thinking its connected to my reverse as cant select Inquistiveness never hurt anyone
  8. I cannot thank you people here on this site .... i now see light at the end of the tunnel I had nightmare thinking i would be waving my car off Cant be gearbox, was no bang at all... reading similar probs on here with gear selector / cables / slector shaft and pinch bolts etc....im a happy woman ;) if it wasnt for this site i wouldnt have known jack... least now i can say to the garage it could be this or that (as they see a woman comin and blonde at that too) so they cant mug me off wiv prices for replacement / rebuild gearbox etc Forgetting mobile mechanic now and taking to (a different) garage and obvioulsy letting them do it (bank balance is slowly deteriorating but not as much as expected) what wiv their tool and hydrolic jacks etc Gotta drive it there (about 6 miles away) so fingers crossed i dont blow it up on way there There is light thatnks to this site..... thanks guys
  9. not having much luck with this car. Back for 2 days from indicator repair (which happened to be fuse box in end!!!! ) Having a mobile mechanic out next week ... he`s bringing clutch kit out but im not holding out much hope. Going to look all subjects on this. Hoping its cables or clutch as if its gearbox, think its time to give up! btw - becoming very much broke at this rate!
  10. Driving home and couldnt get gears into place, took corners in 3rd, reverse would not have it!! Pushed car back span her round and just got into parking space (at home thankfully) with burning Smell that smelt like what i can only describe as leak of gas or someone who`s smoked heavy!! Clutch (i can live with ) (1) Gearbox (car is off to scrappys) (2) Selector cables worn (heaven sent) (3) suggestions please
  11. Hi I live near Petersfield Hampshire. Went to garage earlier and my car was ONLY car outside and guess what ......... i now have flat tyre.... what have they / or are doin to my car and me!!! feel like my head is goin to pop!!
  12. had someone look at it and they think it electrical as indicator would come on and off when they were checking the car, they dont know anything about wiring, hence why they said would need someone with electronics knowledge, hence goin to that garage. hey what is the most labour they could charge for fitting fusebox? as i dont want them saying i have to pay like 3 hours labour before i can take my car- jus need to know how long it would take them !!! Going to get my car back on monday for sure and call proffesional auto electrician out!
  13. Ebay have mobile technicians that come out n programme a key for 50 quid upwards (cheaper than ur quote tho)
  14. they cant charge me for nothing can they?
  15. Thanks for reply guys Had dealing with thus garage before and thought they were a rip off... only went to them as they advertised online saying I quote "You then need the correct expert knowledge to be able to understand the auto electrics diagnostics. We have invested heavily in the equipment and expert technicians needed to do the job quickly and efficiently." do you think bringing my large male rottweiler there then may help :angry2:
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