Hi all, I'm new to this forum AND new to owning the Galaxy! Disappointed to see Haynes have not produced a manual for the MK2 model as mine is a LX 2002 51 reg which has a few problems! Long story short, I bought it second hand and should have been more savvy! But I need to know whether I can try to fix certain problems myself! :) All the doors can lock except for the rear passenger door on the left side of the car. Any ideas how I can fix it? The two passenger doors also don't open from the inside at all although they do open from outside! Just today the driver's door handle came off in my hand and I'd appreciate any advice on how I can fix/replace that myself? I'd like to keep the lock barrel in and put a new handle on it. Would this link help? http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?/topic/8255-remove-exterior-door-handles-mk-ii/page__p__62607__hl__door+handle__fromsearch__1#entry62607 The air con system in the front is simply not working - no hot or cold air. The buttons to heatup the front and rear windows definitely work,so I can clear the mist away no problem. I'm looking to hopefully restore this car as I get the feeling the previous owner didn't take GREAT care of it! Hopefully someone can help me!:)