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About roly1977

  • Birthday 09/20/1977

Profile Fields

  • Vehicle Type
    51 galaxy 1.9tdi 115 pacific blue (green)

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  • Gender
  • Location
    seaford sussex

roly1977's Achievements


Member (2/8)



  1. hiya ive looked at the pedal there seems to be a bit of play with the spring on the top of it could this be the problem or is it somthing else cheers
  2. hi all, Here goes just had clutch, dual mass flywheel, and concentric slave changed as had vibration on pedal pedal travel (about an inch) and stuck in gear hard to get out on occations and hard to get in reverse too so on advice had the 3 items changed the vibration has gone goes into and out of gear fine but the inch travel on clutch pedal is still there any advice would be great many thanks roly 05 galaxy 115 1.9tdi is the car sorry
  3. hi all its been awhile since my last post this one is a weird one im not sure what it could be and nor are ford them selfs, ok here goes if i brake suddenly i get a red brake light on dash flashing and an audial bleep 4 or 5 times then goes away was told it could be brake fluid low but checked and is fine ford say they dont know why the beeps are there aswell as the light hopefully one of you peps will have a quick answer im going to plug into my laptop today see if any faults come up will addd more if as i get it many thanks for looking
  4. so what is it for my 51 reg 115 galaxy then please
  5. hi all happy new year do injectors need re mapping to fuel pump or can i just change them over one by one many thanks james
  6. not stolen anything cant think where i got it from mind ill remove it if its someone elses
  7. been told now it could be the exhaust gas sensor is it possible if so where is it please
  8. hi all my galaxy still has this problem it runs poorly and has no power as soon as you put any load on it even on the flat but worse on hills 1st gear about 15 mph no acceleration and hessitates ford had it for a day took exhaust off in case it was blocked, checked compression that was fine plugged it in no fault codes changed air and fuel filter new air mass meter all they could find was 2 not so good glow plugs and suggested it could be fuel pump or injectors they say you cant recon these injectors was told
  9. had new clutch and dualmass flywheel about 4 months back done by ford and had new turbo couple of years back no smoke will have a look at the injector wires over the weekend many thanks so far
  10. :lol: ok looked everywhere i could no loose pipes or wires still got the problem starting to annoy me now anyone else got any ideas please
  11. Right here goes 1st car runs rough sometimes gets a bit of a wobble on while idling on acceleration it has surges of power sometimes its fine others not on hills it can be fine other times i could walk faster lost about 5 mpg ive changed maf put a couple of injector cleans through her still no different any ideas before ford get hold of it would be lovely many thanks james
  12. I HAD THIS HAPPEN TO ME I WENT THROUGH 2 RECON TURBOS ONE IN 80 MILES ANOTHER ROUND THE BLOCK GOT FORD TO DO IT WITH NEW ONE NO PROBLEMS TO DATE DONE 90000 CAN I ASK WHO DID IT check out my other posts http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...ic=6956&hl= http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...ic=6836&hl=
  13. hi all im after a front carpet for galaxy if anyone has one many thanks james
  14. could anyone help on getting the seatbelt mechinisim out ive had a look and it looks inpossible many thanks in advance james
  15. does anyone one know if vag com will pick up any sensor errors many thanks so far james
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