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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  1. The dealer removed the module and refunded the costs. They say a fix could take 3 days?
  2. Hi The windscreen wipers on my mk3 (Ghia with rain sensing wipers) come on when switched off. Bizzarely, they come on when the speed is above 25mph and turn off below 25 mph! Disconnected the battery to reset everything and they were ok for a week but now the problem has returned. The dealer changed a module to do with the alarm (under passenger front wheel arch) but this did not fix the problem. All help gratefully recieved. thanks Paul
  3. Many thanks for your reply. What is the "cover under the bumper"? Also the headlamps don't appear to be part of the bumper fitting? Thanks Paul
  4. Hi Recently damaged the front bumper on my 58 plate Galaxy. Does anyone have any info on how to remove the old bumper and replace? Couldn't find any posts on how to. Many Thanks
  5. Kev Many thanks. Looks fairly easy (just like all manuals!). Will follow on arrival of mirror. cheers Paul
  6. Hi. Somebody rather helpfully destroyed my passenger side mirror last night whilst the Gal was parked outside my house. Have removed mirror (what was left anyway) and the fitting that is attached to the door is smashed. Will need a complete new mirror which I have seen on e-bay. Two main questions: (1) Is e-bay the best place (cheapest) to get a new mirror (want new)? (2) How do you connect the electricals (heated and powered)? All help gratefully received. Paul
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