Just an update. I have now had my brand new Galaxy Titanium X for just over a week and have to say I am very impressed and find the 18" no problem at all.
weren't designed to run on the london to brighton railway now were they :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Oh I do love forums with a sense of humour LOL Mind you would be blooming usefully for the section of motorway between M25 and Dover.
After much searching I have a sort of answer to this and that is approximately 6 hours from start to finish, unless you know different? My source is http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1794551
Here is a daft trivia question. From a body shell being put together and painted, how long does it take for the car to pass through the factory, till it rolls of the production line complete? Just curious.
Thanks scooper. You have confirmed what I kind of suspected. Wish I had not bothered with it now and just gone for a stand alone system from the start and saved myself a not so small sum. Ah well we live and learn.
Hello everyone. This is my first posting in this forum but I'm sure it will not be my last. I have ordered a new Galaxy Titanium X to which I have added the TPMS option. My question is, does anybody know if this system is expandable to cover the tyres on my caravan or will I need to buy a separate system to cover the caravan tyres?