3 months ago i bought a 2.3 mk2 2000 galaxy and since i bought it its been clonking over the slightest bump in the road which i immediatly assumed to be the top strut mounts. also ther was a slight bump feeling from the front passenger side wheel so had a new tyre put on but didnt fix it, its a rythmical type bump as if i was drivng over raised painted lines in the road if you get my meaning, the drop links seem to be solid with no movement. i took the car to a garage to have the top strut mounts changed but they couldnt get the top bolt undone and apparently they tried everything saying they could only do it if i replaced the whole strut n both sides, so i took the car back home. but he also told me that the wishbone on the passenger side was knackered,,,,, could this be the cause of 1 or both of my problems since the knocking noise seems to come from under the car as opposed to behind the dash where the mounts are hope you can understand what im on about any help would be appreciated im going to have to try and change the wishbone so any help or advise would also help, as i dont have a balljoint splitter and ive never done this type of job before