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    ford galaxy 2.3
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    South West

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  1. it runs normal when the screen is wet but it wont make 1 complete swipe when its dry
  2. right everything is greased up and moving freely, but the wiper are still having trouble going up and down the screen and eventually stop, its as if the motor just hasnt got enough power to do it, but when the screen is wet the wiper work fine until it dries and they keep going when wiper is off the screen
  3. just following up on this i replaced both droplinks with cheapy ones off ebay and 2 months after putting them on 1 snapped as i was slowly reversing down a small curb from my drive couldnt believe it bought proper one from motor factor 15 quid for 2 and no problems since as for the knocking i found out that it was the anti roll bar bushes so replaced them and no more knocking but thanks for all your replies
  4. i got a 2000 mk2 galaxy and noticed my wipers were slowing down and then just stopped half way up the screen, i completed the wiper movement by hand to return them to park position, so i removed the spindles greased them up and and refitted everything, but didnt change anything both spindles were turning easily by hand before reasembally so i thought it might be the motor which i bought today fitted and walla for about 1 minute then they started slowing down again and stopping unless the screen was wet, 1, when i pulled the spindles out i noticed that patches of the crome had come away leaving dark brown patches but still i greased and put back together 2. if the wipers are up off the screen the wipers move as they should but when they are on the screen its like the motor needs more power to keep them going up the screen Could there be another problem like a relay that i could investigate or should i redo the linkages and maybe replace them leighton
  5. i recently changed the coolant in my car and have since noticed that the blower will only blow hot air and only too the windscreen, the nob that should allow you to change airflow direction, ie floor or vents doesnt seem to work. the 3 buttons for aircon and rear buttons and the other 1 wont come on anymore when pressed the only thing working is the blower speed, the temp gauge stays at 90 and doesnt budge from there any help
  6. drop links ordered any ideas about the rythmical bumping from the front tyre more noticable going round corners
  7. id have to agree with mikey and check all the wires for each door inside the rubber gaters, these are very prone to breaking and arcking with other broken wires which could explain central locking and windows problems your having, it just happened to my neighbour when all his windows stopped working until he went round unplugging the wire connector on each door 1 at a time and isolated it to 1 door where the several wires inside had frayed and snapped and starting touching each other
  8. 3 months ago i bought a 2.3 mk2 2000 galaxy and since i bought it its been clonking over the slightest bump in the road which i immediatly assumed to be the top strut mounts. also ther was a slight bump feeling from the front passenger side wheel so had a new tyre put on but didnt fix it, its a rythmical type bump as if i was drivng over raised painted lines in the road if you get my meaning, the drop links seem to be solid with no movement. i took the car to a garage to have the top strut mounts changed but they couldnt get the top bolt undone and apparently they tried everything saying they could only do it if i replaced the whole strut n both sides, so i took the car back home. but he also told me that the wishbone on the passenger side was knackered,,,,, could this be the cause of 1 or both of my problems since the knocking noise seems to come from under the car as opposed to behind the dash where the mounts are hope you can understand what im on about any help would be appreciated im going to have to try and change the wishbone so any help or advise would also help, as i dont have a balljoint splitter and ive never done this type of job before
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