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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    2000 V Reg Galaxy 1.9 TD
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    South East

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  1. Thanks for all your responses. Had a child home from school sick today so that meant i couldnt go to work. Wife left me the car and i was able to have a proper look at it. As the posts above suggested it was a seizing blower bearing (or at least thats the way it looked). A few hours later, some phone calls, internet searching and a 30 mile round trip and i have a secondhand working fitted blower. The wife will be pleased when she comes home from work. As for the cabin filter, it is due for replacement and i have to do a full service on the car anyway. Thanks again everyone
  2. Havent taken the cover off the fan unit yet. (wife's car and she has gone out. Will still moan that i haven't fixed it though). You can sometimes hear a wump wump (thinks thats the type of noise) as the motor slows and it also sounds very laboured.. I think the switch on the dash is fine (if thats the one your talking about) as the motor slows and stops after a while of working. If the switch was faulty i would expect it to not start at all. Or am i wrong with my thinking
  3. Afternoon all Temp guage Right now i am having some issues with the temp guage, it has decided not to work at all. I have checked the sender and it looks ok to me, plus the guage will work sometimes, but will only just get over the white mark. Any adice appreciated. Fuel Guage Now this one seems odd to me. The guage decides every now and then not to work, but only when the tank is full or nearly empty. Any one got any ideas as to why this would be happening? Thanks
  4. Haven't removed the resistor from the car yet, but it is mounted exactly the same as the original was. Of course it was a secondhand one, so you never know how long they will last. I am not sure there are any wires that would touch the resistor on the inside, outside doesn't have anything touching. Thanks
  5. Right i got my meter out and crawled under the dashboard to test the resistor. Readings i got were:- 1-2 = 2.6 1-3 = 1.6 1-4 = 0.8 2-3 = 1.5 2-4 = 3.2 3-4 = 1.9 Now i know that some of these are out of range based on the previous post but would it really affect it that much? I then thought as i was down there, if there was no resistor would the fan then cut out like it had been. So with it unplugged i turned the blowers on. As before they ran for a short while and then the fan slowed down to a stop and then wouldnt start again for a while. Now i don't really know much about the diagnostics of problems like this, hence why i am on here looking for help. So the ultimate question is, do i replace the resistor or the motor? Obviously the resistor would be the easier one to replace as i have done this before and wouldn't need to get the manual out for it. Please give me some guidance. Thanks
  6. Thanks, will see if i can find one. Would it still overheat thou in a matter of seconds when you turn it on? Smell isnt there anymore
  7. Evening I hope i am not asking a question that has been asked and answered many times before. I have done a quick search of the forum and haven't managed to find an answer for my problem. We have a 2000 V Reg Galaxy and have started to have major problems with the front blower. About 6 months ago it would only work on setting 4, so i got a secondhand resistor from ebay and all was fine other than a little whine when the blower was on setting 1 and 2. Now over the last couple of weeks there has been a slight burning smell coming from the heaters when you first start them. Now this is my wifes daily car and she doesn't always tell me about the problems until they are major. So i get a call from her this morning telling me the heaters no longer work at all. I have been out and had a look tonight and you turn them on, they run for a little while and then slow down and stop. You have to turn them off, wait a few minutes and then it does they same thing, only running for a few seconds each time. I am hoping that this is something simple, but as it starts up first i am not sure whether it is the resistor again or now something more major like the motor itself. Please can someone point me in the right direction so that i can avoid wasting more money on parts that i don't actually need (this is something that has happened for a number of other issues with this car). Thanks in advance for your help. Wrighty
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