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    zetec 1.9 tdi
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  1. Hi, Had exactly the same fault on my daughters 03 plate zetec TDI. one garage told me I needed a door assembly and a door lock motor?? Quoted me
  2. Hi All, Does anyone know correct discription for what I need to repair faulty lock in my rear passenger side door. local garage said I need both a motor, and door assembly. When I do ebay search on these I get things like internal remote door switches come up. also one Breakers yard has informed me for my car its all in one complete part anyway?? so I'm a bit confused and dont want to arrange postage and payment of incorrect part or parts. I Have an 03 plate diezel 1.9 zetec TDI (silver) And my fault is, rear passenger door makes noise like its locking (3 or 4 times) but doesnt actually lock. (well it locks about 1 in 6 times) many thanks.
  3. Hi All, might sound like a routine procedure to most of you, but in my past whenever ive taken an internal door panel off, its never gone back on correctly. Usually due to broken plastic pop locks or where ive cut the plastic damproof sheet or something. Is this an easy task on the galaxy? i need to check the locking motor on rear passenger door, I know a lot of you are recommending checking the wires in door gator aswell, which i will do but want to check easy option 1st. This door doesnt lock with others but you can hear the motor trying to lock door 2 / 3 times. all others lock this one stays open. thanks
  4. Hi All, Does anyone know how to get the headlight dimmer switch assembly out to replace it?? It apears to be only held in by the plastic front. As mine has come off the assembly is just flapping about behind the dash panel. It has expandable tabs either side (Like the type radios have)of assembly which i cant compress enough to get out. does the dashboard console (That side of it anyway) have to be taken apart? or is there a knack to getting them out? Unlike a radio that has an inner holding compartment or at least sides for expandable tabs to hold it in, there apears to be nothing but space behind this area of dashboard? so only thing holding it inplace is the the slightly larger display on the front of switch. which is only plastic??? Its an 03 plate diesel Tdi 1.9 model Many Thanks
  5. Hi All, just bought my daughter a 2003 plate 1.9 zetec tdi, only niggle is when remotely locked with key, the passenger door does not lock? the motor in the door makes the noise (as if it is) a couple of times but doesnt lock. I sat in car and held in lever in this door, then used key on remote to lock other doors and they all stayed locked. but cant do that all the time. If I lock this door from inside, then get out of car and use remote, then this door opens and the others all lock? anyone know what it could be please?
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