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    ford galaxy 1.9tdi
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  1. The garage who replaced the heater matrix sent me photos of the job which inolved removal of all the dashboard, so like you say a very time consuming job for which I was charged almost £1000 to get the job done, having talked to other people since, this would appear to be quite expensive. I lost faith with the garage after the drivers side electric window stopped working shortly after having the matrix done, They quoted £475 + vat to replace with new motor and mechanism, Another garage did the work fitting new parts for £320 inculding vat. I live in Northampton so if there is anyone who could advise on reliable garages/workmanship I would like to hear. I will phone around to see what I get quoted.
  2. What is a reasonable price for a head gasket and the head to be skimmed? I don't want to be ripped off again like I was for the replacement of the heater matrix.
  3. Hi, Just to report back on suggestions and to update what I have done. 3 days ago I topped up the expansion tank and ran the engine for approx 40 mins without the cap on with the heater and blowers on max and topped up the coolent level has it went down, I needed to put in about 0.75 litre of coolent to bring it to max level. I then allowed it to cool overnight with the cap off. The next day when I checked and replaced the cap the coolent level was still at max. I have checked for the sound coming from the run on pump, there is a sound coming from near the expansion tank but it does not sound as loud has it did before the heater matrix was taken out and replaced, we also had a new expansion tank fitted at the same time. Today after taking the car for a run and allowing to cool, the level was still at max, I released the cap and there was a bit of pressure and water rushed into the expansion tank rising about an 1 inch above the max level but not overflowing out of the tank, I left the cap off and allowed to cool but the level has not dropped back to max, it has been driven again with cap on for approx 5 miles but the coolent level still remains above max level. Could this indicate a possible airlock in the system? As far as the head gasket test goes, I'm not sure what kind of tests were done. I asked the garage who diagnosed and replaced the heater matrix to test the head gasket before I spent out money on having the matrix fitted, they apparently did 2 different types of test both showing no problem with the head gasket.
  4. Thanks for the information. I'll check the run on pump later, will I be able to feel the water pump impeller when the thermostat is removed? The air conditioning has not worked for some time, do the fans only work with air con on? I have run the engine from cold with the cap removed, the coolent doesn't spill over and there is just a constant trickle coming out of the pipe leading into the top of the expansion tank. Something that I have noticed previously but it doesn't happen always is that when the car has been stood overnight that there is a damp patch under the car almost directly under where the expansion tank sits, not sure of the significance of this. This is when the car is parked on a gentle foreward slope. The head gasket has been checked by 2 different garages both saying it is ok, it sailed through the emmisions test on the mot in July, I don't know but would a blown head gasket have any effect on the engines emmitions?
  5. I have an 02 galaxy 1.9tdi milage is 150k, 4 months ago the heater matrix was replaced because it was leaking, there was pressure in the expansion tank before it was replaced, the cylinder head was checked and found to be ok, even after the matrix was replaced there is still pressure build up in the expansion tank. It has never over heated, even when towing, that was until 2 weeks ago when we were towing the caravan going away on holiday, the temp rose to max after towing for about 20 miles with water coming out of the expansion tank cap, the aa came out and diagnosed a faulty expansion tank cap, saying there was a seal missing from it, the aa recovered us to our destination at Scarborough. When it was looked at by the garage there, they said the cap was ok but that the bottom hose was not getting hot so replaced the thermostat, the bottom hose now gets hot. When coming back off holiday towing the van everything was going great, until, after about 30 miles with no problems the temp went up again, same thing water coming out of the expansion tank cap, We eventually got home by allowing it to cool, it would work fine for 30 to 40 miles and then the temp would again go up, what I did notice was that the 2 fans in front of the radiator do not appear to be cutting in. The car drives perfect apart from this and is serviced regularly and still does not over heat under normal operating conditions. Does anyone have any ideas what the problem could be and how to get the fans to work.
  6. Hi, Does anyone have any idea of the cost for replacing and fitting new water pump and timing belt on a 1.9tdi galaxy 02 plate, I have been quoted
  7. Thanks everyone for your help and advise, the mechanic seemed to think it pointed to the head gasket but I was a bit unsure because like I said it has never overheated, it's just the pressure build up in the expansion tank. Would this also explain the movement of the temp gauge rising to max when ignition turned on even when the engine is cold? One other odd thing that has happened in the last few days is that when the heater is on there is sometimes a stong smell, of pepper and spices, very strange...could anyone suggest a cause of this? In the next week I'll get it to the garage to have the water pump and timing belt changed, has anyone got a rough idea of the cost for this to be done? Eric
  8. Hi, I have a galaxy 1.9tdi 02 plate. The heater was working fine until christmas, then stopped supplying hot air, mechanic noticed there was pressure build up in the expansion tank, he changed the thermostat and topped up, it now produces hot air although not has hot as previously even when on hi,there is still a build up of air in the expansion tank, although engine never overheats either on long or short journeys. Yesterday, when turning the ignition switch but not starting the engine, I noticed that the needle on the temp gauge rises to max, stays there for 3 or 4 seconds then returns to cold and then continues to work normally reading 90 when the engine has warmed up and does this every time the ignition is switched on even when the engine is started. Anyone any ideas? Eric
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