I have an 02 galaxy 1.9tdi milage is 150k, 4 months ago the heater matrix was replaced because it was leaking, there was pressure in the expansion tank before it was replaced, the cylinder head was checked and found to be ok, even after the matrix was replaced there is still pressure build up in the expansion tank. It has never over heated, even when towing, that was until 2 weeks ago when we were towing the caravan going away on holiday, the temp rose to max after towing for about 20 miles with water coming out of the expansion tank cap, the aa came out and diagnosed a faulty expansion tank cap, saying there was a seal missing from it, the aa recovered us to our destination at Scarborough. When it was looked at by the garage there, they said the cap was ok but that the bottom hose was not getting hot so replaced the thermostat, the bottom hose now gets hot. When coming back off holiday towing the van everything was going great, until, after about 30 miles with no problems the temp went up again, same thing water coming out of the expansion tank cap, We eventually got home by allowing it to cool, it would work fine for 30 to 40 miles and then the temp would again go up, what I did notice was that the 2 fans in front of the radiator do not appear to be cutting in. The car drives perfect apart from this and is serviced regularly and still does not over heat under normal operating conditions. Does anyone have any ideas what the problem could be and how to get the fans to work.