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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    galaxy mk2
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    South East

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  1. cheers guys will try that but just seems weird its fine until it gets warm,then looses all power. when i disconect the maf sensor the car dosent run at all jordan
  2. ive tested the car on my snap on fault finder dosent find a fault, ive orderd vagcom to test it its strange though cause its fine for about 2 miles then the engine gets warm and losses power but if you jack the car up and give it some when theres no load it seems to be fine??
  3. hi all i bought a galaxy mk2 1.9 turbo diesel on a 02 plate a little while ago but as soon as it warms up i loose all power it will only rev to 2,500, ive had the electrics tested no faults, ive changed the vgr valve, full service but no change im not loosing water so dont think its the head. has anyone else had this problem or no what it is its puzzling me now. any help would be helpful cheers jordan
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