Hi, I've recently found the drivers footwell of my '07 galaxy to be soaking wet. On pulling back the carpet I found that it had been, and still is, coming from the corner of a small panel right up by the clutch, which is removed by three torx screws. I removed this to find the a/c unit, the condenser I think, as when working it condensates and it was the condensate that was coming out. I noted when it was running the airflow within the area would blow the water against this panel, where I assume it's supposed to run down and then towards the drain pipe. I have checked the drain pipe which appears to be clear (had car on ramps and could see where water was soaking from the end of it into the insulation around exhaust) and also passed wire through to check not blocked and up in to unit, with no debris coming though. Also, water was coming through pipe and airflow. I have changed the pollen filter and cleared the scuttle areas out behind the bonnet, and still it leaks. Should this panel have some sort of seal on it to prevent water leaking out, could that be the problem or m I barking up the wrong tree? I'll try to attach a photo to show which panel I'm talking about, when I am near a computer. Any help gratefully received as don't really want to take it to ford if I can help it as it will no doubt be very expensive!!!!