Hi, I have an ABS issue that's doing my head in! It all started when I replaced the front O/S wheel bearing on my 53 plate. About a week later the ABS light lit and VCDS reports an O/S front ABS mechanical failure. Now I'm pretty sure this is the DTC you get when the sensor is electrically OK, but there is no output from it - like when the ring is broken/fallen off. I stripped it this morning and found that the little pole piece on the end of the sensor was missing - I think I must have bashed it with the end of the driveshaft when I did the bearing and it subsequently fell off causing the fault. So I got a new sensor, cleaned everything up and installed it. I cleared the fault and went for a test drive and within 20 yards it was faulting again - same fault - ABS mechanical failure. I've taken everything apart again, double-checked the ring is intact and aligned with the sensor (yes and yes) made sure there's no magnetic rubbish on the end of the sensor, but there's still no output. Looking at the measurement blocks from VCDS shows there is no signal from that sensor - the other 3 are fine. Unplugging the sensor causes a new code from the ABS controller identifying a wiring fault, so I don't think there is anything wrong with the wiring or connectors - if so that fault would be there all the time?? Only thing I can think of is that the new sensor is duff??? Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Blippy