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Everything posted by pauleaton16

  1. Thanks guys, i've decided i'm going to get a second opinion from another garage. Do you think i should tell them that its a suspected pump or keep quiet and see what they come up with?
  2. Thanks everyone From what i can see it all looks like new, they changed the pulley, tensioner and belt. I've got a feeling this is something caused by the garage but trying to prove it when im not a mechanic is difficult. Gregers i do have the aircon on when the engine is started which is when i first hear the noise, however did the noise you have continue all the time as mine disappears.
  3. Thanks for the reply Bob Would this still be the case even if we were not using anything like that as the car was just sitting idle after starting, when driving off the noise seems to dissppear. The only thing on in the car at that time would have been the stereo. Just curious to see if the garage was trying to pull a fast one on me lol
  4. ive recently had a new alternator pulley, tensioner and belt replaced on my 05, 1.9 tdi 130bhp galaxy. A couple of days after, more so in the mornings, i could hear a scretching noise, almost like a belt slipping which disappears once the vehicle is warmed up. I took the car back to the garage who examined all the parts they replaced and they believe everything is ok. The did however suggest that it is most likely the power steering pump which could have been damaged by the pulley problem sometime before. Does this sound like a genuine report. I dont want to go paying the price of
  5. Just been out to the car again and looked under the front seats which is where i think the control panel is. All looked fine wiggled a couple or wires around and sensors seemed to work. I went around the whole car and could hear the sensors ticking. This does seem to be an intermittent fault, any ideas.
  6. Hi everyone I know this topic has been covered on numerous occassions however after reading the other threads i still feel i need help. Recently my parking sensors are making the long audible tone when pusing the button on the dash board area along with the flashing light. When placing the vehicle into reverse i no longer hear the long tone but still have the flashing light. On both occassions no beeping noise heard when objects pass the sensors front and rear. I've checked the cables attached to the sensors but i dont have all the equipment to test properly, also not able to check the front sensors. No wires look broken and unable to check the ticking noise to see which sensor might be at fault as they dont make the noise. Any help in this matter is welcome.
  7. i purchased the vehicle about 1 month ago from a company called Exclusive motor company based in peterborough. It came with an in house warranty which so far they've purchased a new cam sensor for me. I had to purchase a new cambelt as i didnt want to take any risks loosing the engine and now the alternator tensioner has gone. I'm assuming they also call this a timing belt tensioner?
  8. Hi all I've recently purchased my mk2 (55reg), 1.9 TDI galaxy and unfortunately been having some problems already. I've just had the cambelt changed and in the last couple of days i noticed a knocking noise coming from the engine. Took it back to the garage and they confirmed it was the alternator tensioner (Pulley). I was told they should be around 40 to 50 pound for a new one however looking online all i can find are ones for around 150 pounds. Does anyone know of any good websites to buy the tensioner from. Maybe i'm not searching for the correct name and not finding the correct item?
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