Hi, I'm a new member to this forum so I hope I can get some help from you all? I have a galaxy 1.9tdi 2002 with overheating issues! So far it's had the water pump, thermostat, water bottle and cap replaced and been flushed out at least 3 times but still over heats more so on long journeys say when the car goes up hill or when you push the car on over 70 mph! If the temp starts to rise there is no heat from the radiator. The last thing done to the car was suggest by the engineer to remove the thermostat to see if this would help in any way! Initially it seemed to have made a difference but the problem came back! Recently I have noticed that I have to top up the water bottle every morning with at least 1 L of fluid and the pressure release vent on the bottle on the bottom is always damp and if I put a piece of cloth there it is always really wet after a journey, this is where is seems to be losing it water! Any help would be really welcome!