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    Ford Galaxy 2005 MK 2 130 TDI PD
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  1. Apparantly if your pads are over 50% worn 15"wheels will fit the mk2 fronts with 300mm brake discs but never tried myself! I have gone for VW T5 16"commercial tyres. Slightly modified my wheel arch liners and on the odd occasions rubs slightly on full lock going down a gradient. Suits the car far better than any car tyre I have tried!
  2. Haha thanks for that was somewhat excessive!! I did try deleting the duplicate posts but was unable to find where to do it, cheers!
  3. I take it the cap is the large one with about the size of a mug? It may well be worth fitting a shim and new end cap. Search YouTube for vw shim repair and this should give you all the required info. Have heard dexron atf is fine in the box worth draining and refilling
  4. Have your strut top bearings ever been replaced?
  5. With weird clutch faults on the 03-06, your box may have the large black cover on the end the box diameter of a mug, try fitting a shim mod, cured my box of a clearance issue!! Video on YouTube explains it
  6. why not pull the fuse?
  7. Zorgman is pinning the pump with the locking tool not enough? what would the symptoms be if the dynamic timing was incorrect?? cheers Howey
  8. Howdy all the Air-con has not been working all summer on our 2001 tdi 1.9 (ANU) the Fault codes are 01189- Front Air disttibution flap motor (V145) 01271- Positioning Motor for Temperature Flap (V68): Faulty think the second code is the real problem, The clutch on the compressor fails to engage but when i checked the systems pressure a few months ago it was healthy!! Does anybody know where flap motor (V68) is and what it looks like and is it possible that if V68 fails it in turn prevents the compressor from working?? any help greatly appreciated!!!!! many thanks Howey
  9. howdy my appologies for not mentioning model 2001 Ford (VW) Galaxy 115 TDI PD ANU (for some reason i thought it would show as when you register it asks you vehicle particulars) now using firefox and its working bang on!!! VAG cars have a safety feature so that when your sat in the piss rain cold and damp ready to drive home and get the family safe you can!! should the key chip fail/go awol so long as you know the SKC (security key code) it can be manually put into the dash and allow emergancy start rather than AA recovery!! i think its also possible to leave the ignition switched on for 15 mins without trying to start etc and this may allow the engine to start but i have yet to confirm this... sadly the galaxy works a different way and i dont believe it has this function (may still work waiting 15 mins thou!). regarding VAG's quite how scum can use this information to steal your car is beyond me!! you MUST have the correct mechanical key to turn the ignition on so unless the scum are able to remove your door lock barrel and make a key to suit then i dont think scum will be driving your car anywhere! failing that scum would need to revearse power the revearse light switch multi-plug to turn the ignition on, then get the steering lock smashed off then using vag tacho see if its possible to code a transponder chip. now bump start and away you go (this is theory i have yet to try it!) regards howey
  10. howdy yall just wondered if the tech treads were off-line as my machine wont connect yet connects to everything else! also is there an emergency start fuction on the galaxy when the transponder chip fails?? cheers howey
  11. 40 mins is bloody quick, as the belly tray alone takes time to remove and replace, then doing the job, then bleeding the system, then road testing, wow you must be superman! howey
  12. yeah id second that if the replacement is a quality item! howey
  13. howdy if amperage is the same then i would say yes! but remember the clutch pulleys can fail and give symptoms of duff alternator when its just the clutch pulley howey
  14. Howdy not sure if this itself would cause oil burning but if you have had the head off, i presume you removed the injectors, did you replace all the stretch bolts for camshaft and injectors? these bolts are once only use and i have heard the injectors can rattle in the head and ruin it...but like i said i aint sure if it would cause engine oil to be consumed? are you sure the turbos not drinking it? (by the way i am a newby, do i need to post 3 times to be able to read the tech threads?) cheers Howey
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