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About johnson

  • Birthday 05/19/1974

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  • Vehicle Type
    galaxy tdi
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  • Region
    East Midlands

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  • Interests
    making biodiesel, building kitcars, beer.

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Member (2/8)



  1. now up to 4k on biodiesel, running and starting fine - even in this weather.
  2. just completed another 1000 mile on it, 2k in total, its running fine on it :blink:
  3. Seatkid, from what i can find out PCB's (polychlorinated biphenyls) have been replaced since mid to late 70's with fluorinated hydrocarbons as BCP's were/are highly toxic.
  4. Sorry about the delay i internet conection has been down. Zorgman, i mix my waste with any oil that is to bad to process and take it to my local council waste center (tip) they have a 2000l container for waste cooking oil, guys at the tip know what im putting in it and arnt bothered as the company that collect it make biodiesel and they sell there glycerine to a company who use it to make saop. if you need any advice on building one let me know. seatkid, sorry i dont know. thanks chris.
  5. zorgman, glad its helped, you have to get out there and ask the takaways, dont be shy and offer them 10p a litre if you have to, also offering evening collections has swung it for a few people i know (have built machines for) if you need any other info then just ask and i will do my best to answer. cheers chris
  6. now covered a 1000 miles on biodiesel - no problems to report, will let you know if there are. cheers chris
  7. hi buddy. yes the old XUD Peugeot 1.9d (td) would run on anything you can get through it (inc hydraulic or transformer oil). the smell was because you were burning pure oil, if you convert it to biodiesel there is very little smell - more like linseed than a bad takeaway. Lucas pumps die with biodiesel (i would love to tell you other wise but) - the seals rot with it, they were paid by the oil companies to develope them this way. dont no anything about the aux heater - i just see that as something i would like to disconect, why do i need the rear to be 2' hotter than the front, why? can i get rid of it??? in winter - i have made a special biodiesel barometer - maybe i should have this copywrited, but all it is, is a jar of my last batch in the shed, if it starts to get cloudy or gel then i run on a mix of 50-50 (only happened once in two years) but the biodiesel barometer works. many thanks chris
  8. im lucky and get mine for free, it goes for about 40p/l on fleabay, most places have either someone like me collecting it or if they get there fresh oil delivered then the same company takes it away for free (nice of them seen as theres no contract to return any), most takaways ive known/used are just happy to get rid of it, offer them 10p/l and see what they say, or if you catch anybody putting takaway leflets through your door ask them, two of the places i collect from i got like this. cheers chris
  9. hi chris, there is a massive market and industry behind this, KFC, McDonalds and Stagecoach to name a few are all running on it, do a search on ebay or google and see what comes up to see the size of it. i dont store any vast excess of oil or methanol, i only ever store a maximum of 80l of methanol and never had more that 150l of oil, i tend to use it as i get it. theres no limit on the amount of oil its just like houses that have heating oil in tanks fire risk of the oil is minimal - if you store any old gloss paint then thats more of a risk, however the methanol is very flammable but council regulations allow you to store 205 litres of the stuff, i have however as i know them informed my local fire station of what may be stored on my property, but they wernt concerned and thanked me for letting them know. point to note is that if methanol does go on fire it is flameless (as in you cant see any) they throw sugar at where they think the fire is to see it caramalise. insurance - its a domestic operation so no need for third party/liability insurance. smell - is very minimal as it doesnt get heated to any high temperature, my neighbours know i make it but have never complained and i have asked them to let me know if they can smell it, most of the time they dont even know im doing it. hope that helps - anything else just ask. cheers
  10. Awwww damnit lol http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif Certainly an impressive setup - it's always nice to screw the taxman a little ;) My only caution would be for those considering this on Mk2's. In theory, the earlier TDI engine should run quite nicely on bio, indeed Johnson says his is - however the later Mk2 PD engine absolutely hates biodiesel, there are enough cases for me to say its frequently known to eat pumps and injectors after less then 10K miles when running on Bio. Although not often mentioned or pushed by dealers you could get an "upgrade" kit when buying the car new for the PD which replaced certain components to allow it to run on Bio - if you vagcom 01-Engine and find you have "2G0" in the "Extras" box then it should be ready to rock & roll. Mirez, i knew i was safe with an older one and it was because of this that i got an early one. i did get told that 1996 - 2004 vehicles should be ok (can you confirm this?) maybe i should have pointed out that this will only tell people how to make it and not if there car will run on it, i am no where near as clued up on the later engines as yourself, so folks please do your own research to satisfy yourself that your happy to run on it before you damage your pump, im sure the likes of Mirez and others on here will guide you on that. thanks chris
  11. Cyborg - sorry forgot to add shopping list but im in the middle of building another one (for the father in law) so may be better for you if i add to this with a quick photo build how to? cheers chris
  12. Seatkid, you wash the biodisel, this is to remove the final parts of gylcerin & methoxide that are still in the oil, as the water sinks the remaing gylcerin & methoxide gets stuck in the water and taken to the bottom, you then drain it off, if you use potassium hydroxide then yes you can put it down your drain (it is accually beneficial to the water treatmeant plants as its high in potash and helps the correct bacteria grow) i replace the filter every 1000L but they only cost a few quid and Millers wouldnt hurt but ive been ok without it (but i do take my time making it. THIS IS JUST A QUICK GUIDE. How to make biodiesel from waste vegatable oil Here are the basic steps to make biodiesel 1, collection and de-watering Collect your oil and let it settle (longer the better) any water, waste food produce and fat will go to the bottom. Once settled Pour your oil in to your processor [tank] and switch your heater on, heat up to 65
  13. hi gregers, it cost me about 20p a litre to process , thats: 15p for methanol. 2p for potassium hydroxide 3p for elcetricity i dont pay for water (M.O.D House) but add about 1-2p a litre if you do. a machine can cost as little as
  14. photo above is the oil that i start with. gets heated up to 65' and circulated to get rid of any risidual water, notice how its clearer now! http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x331/chris7679/11062011181.jpg once its been dewatered, i carry out a titration test, mix in the methoxide (methanol & potassium hydroxide) and let it settle over night, the black stuff at the bottom is the glycerine, top is now biodiesel http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x331/chris7679/12062011187.jpg with the glycerine drained off it now needs washing, no need for any fancy misters or foggers this works just fine http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x331/chris7679/09062011177.jpg gets washed several times until the water drains off is clear, the last wash is allowed to settle over night. http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x331/chris7679/11062011182.jpg it then gets heated up and circulated again to get rid of any remaiining water before being passed through a 5 micron filter. built a few of these now and been running on it for 2 years. not sure if this is what you where after Cyborg, let me know if you need owt else. http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x331/chris7679/08102011376.jpg http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x331/chris7679/11062011182.jpg it is a good lubricant its just if its not washed correctly it can still be acidic and therefore corrosive. but DONT put it through a Lucas pump. cheers chris
  15. http://i1176.photobucket.com/albums/x331/chris7679/11062011179.jpg
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