Hi! Ok this is my first time posting here. Sorry if I sound like a total nooby but I've only just got hold of a Galaxy and whilst I love it it appears to have some issues! Firstly I'm having issues with the central locking. It's VERY intermittent. 99pct of the time it won't work and on the odd occasion it will. Having taken off all the door panels I found most of the cables were disconnected. reconnecting them has made the drivers door lock work off the servo but no others. Having checked the computer unit under the passenger seat I've found it to be very water damaged. So I bought one off ebay which had no keys, (and also seems quite water damaged but not as bad), plugged it in and it's still as intermittent as before. Does anyone have any ideas! Secondly the new unit doesn't make the alarm LED on the drivers door light up. Does this mean the alarm system won't work unless I get new keys and program them to match the new alarm? I don't know much other than what I can find in a Haynes manual. lol. The old computer under the seat made the LED pulse dimly all the time and light up really brightly for about a minute when the ignition was turned on. The keys aren't remote locking. Thirdly water keeps appearing in the alarm/CL computer compartment under the passengers seat. Although I have put a couple plastic lids down to raise it far enough off the floor so it no longer gets wet I have no idea where the water is coming from and am worried it may be serious. Or is it a common problem? The water doesn't smell, isn't coloured and appears when it hasn;t necessarily been raining. I've put a hose on the car and still can't tell where the leak is, even after removing the trim and carpet. I think that's all for now! I very much appreciate any help anyone can offer. The only other thing I've now done is order a diagnostics cable to link up to my laptop and see what error codes get generated!