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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy 2.3 1999
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  • Region
    South West

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shaun_exeter's Achievements


Newbie (1/8)



  1. Thanks mine is 2.3 1999, its booked in for a diag check monday so hopefully they will tell me whats wrong
  2. Sounds like my problem :@( 2.3 engine 1999 I found this site with 3 types if any help Coils for Galaxy
  3. Hi anyone in my area with vagcom that is able to help me PLEASE!!!!!!
  4. Hello everyone, firstly I would like to say this is a brilliant site it has saved us loads of cash so far, so BIG THANK YOU! My problem is I replaced the relay #30 after reading on this site what the problem could be and with the good step by step diagrams was able to replace it myself (Even tho it was a pain and took ages), any way the car was running sweet until the next morning it started up with like a misfire, I replaced the spark plugs thinking this would sort it but it hasn't, the garage said its not the coil's, and it will cost me
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