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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by johnatjasperlodge

  1. I have had a similar problem with my Mk2 Tdi since I bought it 3 years ago. The vibration is similar to a cylinder miss firing but which goes with road speed not revs and much worse with power on particularly on long hills. It once got very bad and my garage had a look at it and could find nothing identifiably wrong with the final drive and put it down to one tight cv joint that tightened up as the engine tipped on its mountings with power on. It was much worse when I had the gearbox reconditioned earlier this year but went back to normal after three - four days. As it is generally not a serious problem my garage has suggested I live with it so long as it does not get much worse and wait till the defect becomes serious enough that it can be isolated unless I wanted to take out a mortgage to investigate fully. Three years on still running and waiting for something to happen, the garage assures me it won't be catastrophic (Ihope). Hope this helps a bit but not and answer let me know how you get on
  2. I have a 2001 Mk 2 Galaxy Tdi which I have owned for 3 years. The rear nearside passenger window has never worked and I would like to fix it. So far I have removed the door card and weatherproofing sheet. I have checked the wiring in the rubber hinge boot and found and fixed two broken wires. I have also checked the connections to both sides of the centre column connector and they appear to be OK. I would like information as to the pinouts on the column plug and socket or wire colours so I can test to this before proceeding further with the window motor which appears quite difficult to remove, any advice on this would be gratefully received. Many thanks for all the advice on the various forums.
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