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Everything posted by daz1974

  1. Cheers bigdog i will try that, i have tried the VAG test but it hasn't made a difference at all.
  2. It is the same uphill or downhill.the engine will rev up into the red on all other gears it just seems once in 6th it won't go above about 2750rpm. Seems very much like when i used to drive coaches that a limiter comes in. very annoying at times :unsure:
  3. Hi, looking for a little advice, had my galaxy for a couple of years and ever since ive had it , it seems to have like a speed limiter on it. Has anyone ever come across this it won't go above 86mph, im flat out at 86 and other galaxys come flying past.... it's a 1.9tdi 2002 cheers
  4. Agree it's the wire in door loom, mine snapped 3 wires 2 week ago and it stopped both windows working
  5. I have checked the gearbox oil and its at the correct level but ive decided to give it an oil change anyway. No problems with changing dual mass to solid done this with mondeo's as well and so far all gone well. Not having the best time at the minute with the old girl, changed top bushe and bearing on front leg yesterday and now it's gain a rather excessive oil leak :-( , so waiting for new shockers. Wouldn't mind but engine is a good one and i love driving her but she's testing my patience at the minute.
  6. Any advise please
  7. Hi, Any advice is gratefully received :( . I changed the DMF and clutch on my 02 1.9Tdi galaxy on Saturday to the solid conversation because I believed the rattle on tick over was the dual mass. After I'd finished started it up and the rattle is still there :40: . I've been told that it is either crank bearings or input shafts on gearbox (the noise stops when i depress clutch). Would you guys agree if not what could it be, it also stops when I rev to 1750rpm. Many thanks Daz
  8. Brilliant thankyou, I'll get it changed hopefully stop gauge from reading nothing to overheating in 0.01 of a second :angry: cheers
  9. Hi, Was wondering if any of you knew where abouts the temp gauge sender unit was located on my galaxy 2002 1.9Tdi PD engine. I thought it was in the rad but it isn't and I can't see one anywhere cheers Daz
  10. The electric run pump was seized when it 1st overheated but now works fine!!! Yeah when I left cap off rad was warm but it lost water If I squeeze the bottom hose while the car is running then eventually the rad will get hot and the fans kick in really clutching at straws here don't fancy changing head but also don't really want to spend money on new rad unless I'm sure it is that :) thanks daz
  11. Hi thanks for the reply, I have done that and I cannot move the impeller and I've started it up and it moves OK. don't want to go through all of the hassle of removing head when I cant get my head round why the rad is cold, that is the only thing stopping me stripping the head Getting desperate now lol
  12. Hi I have done that on tick over there is hardly anything coming out but rev to about 3000 and water and a bit of air come out, ive checked for blockages on the pipe and it's clear thanks daz
  13. i tried to run without stat but it leaked water from housing did i miss something out when putting back together cheers daz
  14. I have ran it without pressure cap (purely by accident) and it didnt overheat but lost water, no bubbles in coolant as i can see Daz
  15. I also thought head gasket but there is no signs whatsoever of contamination e.g oil in water or vice versa Plus the cold rad is confusing, also forgot to mention when it overheats there is loads of pressure in header tank but if i leave it 10 mins before removing cap all the pressure has gone Cheers Daz
  16. Hi i'm new to the group so please be gentle :lol: I have a 02 1.9tdi galaxy which has run like a dream for the last year (having to top water up every 2 week but no overheating) Anyway recently went out and it was driving fine until the temp gauge shot up to about 120, but when driving downhill e.g. not under pressure settled back down to 90. Anyway got home took out thermostat and tested it, it did open eventually but i decided to replace with new. flushed system out completely and got rid of all air locks!!! But problem still exists when under pressure (going up hill) it overheats and fan doesn't kick in. ive checked the rad and it's cold but the car is overheating. I have also checked water pump, check for blockages on all water system including rad. The heaters are lovely and warm both front and rear. I now have spent 8 days trying to suss it out and now i'm at a total loss somebody please help !! :29: Thanks Daz
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