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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by ancell

  1. Finally repaired the mirror with the old standby Gorilla glue(white).Used parcel tape--cheapest tape to hand--to hold the mirror on while the glue set.My first attempt ended in failure since not enough glue was used it expands to 4 times its volume so getting just enough in the swivel but not to much is the tricky bit.Second attempt was successfull using more glue the joint is strong enough to flex the door mounting bracket when putting pressure on the mirror. Do not use instant glue it will almost certainly run down the door or/and glue up the mirror motor in my experience it goes everywhere. I got the Gorilla glue_in Tesco
  2. I got a tow bar fitted to my 2011 galaxy with front and rear sensors. Its for towing my 91 Eldiss Typhoon which I have been towing every summer for more years than I can remember. I did not get twin electrics because in my experience feeding power to the caravan has led to expensive tears. So single electrics-----7 pin and Alco ball longer neck between ball and two bolt flange for Alco friction anti snake on caravan. Most caravans are fitted with Alco because its very easy to use no grubbing around in the mud heaving away on big springy bits of metal. The tow bar complete with electrics fitted cost
  3. Had my offside door{wing}mirror ripped off last night.I thoughtfully made it easy for him/her by folding the mirror so you only need to lever it up hey presto a broken swivel. The Galaxy is only 12 weeks on the road so I am not ammused I will repair it myself on the basis that it will just get broken again. I looked at the PDF on door mirror repair but its nothing like mine I assume first step is the removal of the glass mirror. All advice gratefully received. ancell
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