Hi everyone sorry to be a mithering git so soon after becoming a member and thanks to mikej for my first problem solve, But yet another problem has arisen and is causing me concern. I jump started my galaxy today due to my battery being kapput and this was in reverse as i live on a hill and when it started i got a plume of smoke which came out of the drivers wing and the bonnet, It started to smell of burning rubber and now im getting a rather worrying hissing noise from behind the engine i think not sure for certain. Has anyone else experienced this and if so does anyone know what the hell has gone wrong now lol. Let me introduce myself also... Im a 35 year old disc jockey from bolton,lancs. And i am keen to learn the basics of keeping my cherished ford galaxy mk2 in suitable road worthy condition for as cheap as possible lmao :) , So any info i recieve from your good selves is deeply apprieciated. Many Thanks for your time Djenigma (paul).