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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy 1.9 TDI 150 PS
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  • Region
    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Thanks every one. Yeah, I am taking today to one of the private garage. Let's see how it goes! Cheers,
  2. Hi, There is an problem either with AC GAS or may be with something? AC works but you don't feel cooling! you just feel a normal air. Which doesn't cool the car. Any help? If it's a gas thing than any idea on its cost and the place to get it done. I am in South East. Thanks in advance, mygalay.
  3. Thanks to all. It fixed. As advice I checked the Brake lights and figured one of them is not working so went out to shop bought a bulb and changed. And, the light automatically tured off. Great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for help. Cheers.
  4. HI Guy's, Sorry for jump in! :-) I also need advice on my Galaxy 2006 1.9 TDI 150PS. What should be the fuel consumption of this car? May be I am not getting what it supposed to give! Thanks and appreciate for your advices in advance. Kind regards, mygalay.
  5. Hi Guy's, Any Good Ford Garage(Dealer) in South East, close to Beaconsfield, High Wycombe. Any Advice? Thanks,
  6. Thanks for your great advices. My Car Model is 2006 Galaxy 1.9 TDI 150 PS. Hope it gives more insight on issue. Well, it's been a week since light started showing up earlier it was there but goes off when you press the brake! Great! I 'll check again all the external lights, Thanks.
  7. Hi, I have a problem with my galaxy! During the drive There is an light in the center of dashboard shaping a yellow bulb stays on? does not goes off! Any advice or idea?????? I am new to this forum. Recently, I bought this car. Thanks in advance. mygalay.
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