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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by spidermonkey

  1. Mine does not always have the light come on ether. From my understanding the remap the OE settings but you can get options where you can get the OE and remaped settings and if they are really good they will rollin road the car to set up properlly. My Alhambra suffers hesitation from 2000rpm till around 2900/3000 all the time but never know when it will cut out :rolleyes:
  2. I have done some research on the Net (dangers i know) with this fault code, it has been indercated on other cars that it could be the small vac hose that goes to to ecu, is this possible on the galaxy/alahamra? Hi Nicebutdim Not sure on the remap think you can get this done at demon tweaks and place like that. As for the chip(remap) i had it was external chip which took 30mins to fit and set up (not sure it was worth it now) Regards Steve
  3. Hi Seatkid The car had be chipped but when the fault occured the chip was removed and faults where reset, but the problem still happens. Cheers Steve
  4. Hi All Could anyone please tell me what could be causeing this fault codeP0605 Internal Control Module Read Only Memory (ROM) Error Car is a 2000 seat alhambra 19tdi 110 Car just cuts out at idle but has no problem re-starting also has done this while driving but cutout then just goes again. Your help would be most appreciated Cheers Steve
  5. Hi Guys Sensor found and problem fixed, it was a broked earth wire in the engine bay had worn trough. :blink: :D
  6. Hi Guys Thanks for the respones, i have since swiched to 15-40 and the car runs much better, just need to sort out my speedo then car is all good. Cheers Steve
  7. Hi Traff Thanks for the info, I shall give that a try. Cheers Steve
  8. Hi Could some one help please I own a 2000 TDi 110 Seat Alhambra, and my vehicle speed sensor is not working properly. could someone please tell me where it is located as i have read loads of differnt things on differnt forums and i can not for the life of me find it. :( any help on this would be most appreciate Thanks Steve
  9. hi woundering if any one can help. Done an oil change on my 2000 110TDi with the recommended oil from shop (comma fully synthetic 5w-40) since then the car spokes more and does not run right, and i am getting a strange side affect of the speedo reading, even if i am setting still and when it does you can hear a change to the engin note. may just be a red herring but really worried car is going to really go wrong. Please help Steve
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