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    Galaxy 1.9TDi

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  1. Thanks. The tensioner on mine has done 210,000 miles so I guess it was due replacement! I'll put some washers on to centre it up - can only help.
  2. Hi. Last week I the drive (auxilliary) belt snapped on my 2000 Mk 2 1.9 Tdi. The pulleys looked ok on quick inspection so I figured the belt failed due to age. Oddly, it was split down the middle. Today, the new belt also failed in the same way. I spent a bit more time on inspection and found that the steering pump pulley had an outward bulge at the rim. I thought that this must have caused the belt to ride off pulley. I couldn't get hold of the pulley from stock and so have ordered one. In the meantime, I did my best to straighten the old pulley and replaced it with a new belt. I started the car and inspected belt/pulleys. I noticed that the belt was only half on the tensioning roller. The tensioner seemed to have side-side movement on the arm so I replaced the whole unit with a Eurocar part. I now think that the damage on the PAS pulley was a result of the belt being forced of the pulley when the tensioner was misaligned. It all looks a lot better except that the belt is still not central on the tensioner roller. Nothing as bad as it was though. It sort of lines up with edge of roller on left side, and sits on roller with a couple of mm spare on the right. Is this ok? I could put a washer or two under the mounting lugs to centre it. Has anyone else noticed this? Have I now sorted the problem or is another belt due to bite the dust? Many thanks Steve
  3. Yes, it was the fuse. A 5 amp one on the bottom horizontal row - No. 32 I think. Sorted for the time being. Have to wait and see if something is causing it to blow. No idea why the fuse is labelled up incorrectly, unless engine management circuit can affect all these peripheral things? Thanks
  4. http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.ph...amp;hl=odometer Just found this link. Exactly the same problem as mine, so I'll check fuses. They seem impossible to remove - can they be checked in place. I seem to remember there being a fuse puller somewhere?
  5. Easter Saturday I made the classic mistake of putting a tank full of petrol into my MkII TDi. I only started it to move it away from the pumps. I phoned my insurance company (I had free breakdown cover) and was informed that I was not covered for mis-fuelling. I would advise anyone to think carefully about canceling their AA/RAC when they get "free cover". I'm also going to contact Shell - they had a V Power diesel sticker on the actual pump handle. Anyway, it stayed on the forecourt until the following Tue, when I gave the keys to the garage across the road. I picked the car up a few hours later. They reckoned they removed the diesel with a "machine", so I can only think it was pumped out? After driving the car away I noticed the interior clock was not working, then on inspection that: the driver door central locking didn't work, the odometer goes back to zero when ignition is turned off, the fuel, temp and tacho guages stay in the active positions when ignition is off, and return to zero when ignition turned on. I don't think they removed the battery as the radio didn't need a code. I don't think the fuel and electrical problems are related, but it does seem co-incidental? Any ideas?
  6. Thanks for that. The car is a 2000 1.9TDi and I
  7. For some time now my booster heater has had a mind of it's own. It comes on intermittently even after coolant temp reaches 90. A couple of weeks ago it started making screeching and grinding noises (like a dry bearing) even when sitting with the engine off after a run. Now over the last couple of days it has started belching out white smoke. I replaced the glowplug and run-on pump a couple of years ago. I'm thinking it must be totally shot and that removing fuse 12 (is this correct?) will be the best course of action. Unless someone has any thoughts? Many thanks
  8. I got 50k from the original Dunlops and I have had the current Fortunas on for 40k and still going strong. The car has done 142,000 miles and hasn't had a problem with top mount. I suspect the alignment was cocked up badly.
  9. If you've got to go through all the hassle of changing the waterpump, I would put in a new belt and pulley kit anyway if the old one is much more than 1/2 way through it's change interval.
  10. The 4mm bit should slide in the gap between the body of the hydraulic damper and the steel lug of the rotational tensioner. Take a mirror and have a look around the back to clear it up. When the gap is acheived, nip up the tensioner nut. Tighten the camshaft pulley bolts, remove locking tools and turn crank twice in CW direction until everything lines up again. Then re-check the gap for 4mm. If it is out, insert tools, loosen tensioner bolt and re-adjust gap. Go around this loop until correct.
  11. Just one other thing........... Anyone know the size of the torx bit needed to undo the engine mount. I left it in place last time, but suspect it would be easier to remove to do water pump. Thanks
  12. I figure that at 140,000 miles, and at 60,000 miles since the last cam belt change, I should change cam belt and water pump this weekend. I've done the belt before, but not the water pump. Do I need to drain the cooling system before pulling the water pump out, or will I just loose a bit of water? I want to avoid draining really, as last time I couldn't get all the coolant out, even with the Aux heater hoses disconnected. Thanks.
  13. Thanks Mike. I'll take a look at that. Steve
  14. Noticed a puddle of water sloshing around inside my rear light unit (passenger side) and wet carpet below it. Any ideas where the water may be getting in? Many thanks
  15. My morning journey is 30 motorway miles, and it seems to warm up in 5-7 mins, but the heater is still running 30min later. A few years ago when I replaced the coolant temp sender, the retaining clip broke off, but if it were loose I think I would see problems with temp gauge - so probably red herring.
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