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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by m9g

  1. Ok thanks Did think maybe it was to do with the servo vacuum pipe/valve, will have a look and post back my findings Cheers
  2. Hi I have a 99 mk1 2.3 petrol manual If I accelerate and have to immediately brake I'm finding the pedal hard to push and struggle to stop, If i'm just cruising along the braking is fine. Any idea, valve or something maybe? Regards
  3. Any ideas anyone?
  4. Hi I have a 99 mk1 and the colour is that metallic bluey sort of purple, I caught the passenger front door on a concrete piller the other day, grrrrr, I have just seen a door on ebay but its from a mk2, looking at the picture it looks identical to the mk1, can anyone confirm that it is the same as a mk1? also the colour looks the same, can anyone confirm that ford only used the same metallic bluey purple on mk2's as they did on mk1's? Many thanks Regards M9G
  5. or was wondering if I can just splice the cable that I have straight into the connector that is in the car, I do actually also have a bypass relay kit because of the bulb failure detection system on the car
  6. Yes thats exactly what it is try your local ford dealer for the socket and wires Ok thanks, any idea from the attched piccy what I will need? I have towbar fiited, I have the electric socket fitted to the towbar and a long cable fed up into the back of the car, there are lots of things in the attached piccy and lots of relays, not sure what parts I will need and if i will need just a connector or if i will need relays and stuff or is the piccy showing the wiring harness that I already have on my car and that I only need a connector? Any help appreciated Regards
  7. Hi Just fitted a towbar to my 99 galaxy and noticed behind the panel on the left in the boot a 7 pin connector, is this for towbar? if so can I get a connector from ford to attach to the towbar wires so I can just plug it straight in? Regards
  8. ok ta will try a new one
  9. ha just read your post above mine, forget what I said now that you have sorted it
  10. Possibly the actuator, take door panel off and its the big white plastic box with the door latch in it or its the paddle on the back of the lock that goes into the actuator they have a tendancy to break off, just had to replace both drivers and passengers paddles on my car this evening and had to change an actuator on the back passenger door. Regards
  11. I have recently purchased a 99 galaxy and the central locking works fine but the keyfob doesnt, I have tried programming unlock door 3 times red light comes on hold lock button and press unlock button 3 times let go lock button keyfob led flashes 5 times led in door flashes 6 times Everything goes right until door led flashes 6 times - it doesnt do it I have tried this loads of times now and still the same I have checked all the fuses I have put new batteries in the fob Any ideas please? Regards
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