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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by online_cowboy

  1. Hi there. I have had a galaxy (1999 2.3ghia) for a few months now and it is turning into a tough love kind of ownership. I have repaired this and that and even re sprayed the boot door. I am trying to replace the interior instrument lights which include the dash lights and the lights that are in the gear stick. I want to replace blown interior and panel lights all over the place. There is nothing at all which covers this subject in the forum even the Haynes manual shows nothing. I have no problem taking out panals to replace the bulbs but the gear stick light is a complete blank. So any help would be appreciated muchly.
  2. Hi chap's and chapess's I have searched the tech forum in vain in an effort to solve this problem. So I hope this post is not replicating an issue already raised, so my apologiess in advance if this is the case. The tempreture gauge reading is creeping up when in slow traffic or while idling, Now I know that this is either... 1. Water levels in tank/radiator. 2. Air lock. 3. Blocked radiator. 4. Thermostat. 5. Temp sender The radiator fans attemp to adjust/ cure the overheating. This helps to reduce the problem. I am aware that certain cars which ever make or model have idiosyncrasies, such as explained in detail throghout this site about various models. My Galaxy is the V6 2.3ghia on a T plate 1999. The temp guage needle creeps up to the letter M before the fans kick in, I am worried that it will go higher the longer that I leave it. So to finaly get around to my question Is this a idiosyncratic problem or something major I need to solve, if so where do I start my investigation, finances are an issue so I have my fingers crossed it's not going to cost too much to cure. Regards Nige.
  3. Hi Chris, Thank you for yourinformative reply. I spent a chunk of time yesterday with my girlfriend cleaning the car inside. We took all the seats out and where possible the panels and washed them. I also rubbed down the metal on some of the seats and painted hammerite on the patches of rust on some of the seat mechanisms underneath. The plan for today is to wash and Tcut then wax and polish. All the outer handle recesses have scratches so I will spend time on those and see if I can remove as much surface scuffing as possible. Where the rear wiper arm comes out of the body work there is a sizable point of rust which has gone through the skin of the door and eaten its way a couple of millimetress into the body work. I have bought some filler for this so I will be addressing that sooner the better. I was a member of the estima owners club site and if this site is anywhere near as good as that one I know I shall find all the help I need. Once again thanks for your reply. Kind regards Nige.
  4. Hello I am a new user of this site. I have just bought a T reg Galaxy 2.3ghia x. For the past 12 years I have owned Toyota Estimas/lucidas, 3 in all and have found them to be the dog's dodah's. I had the offer of a Galaxy with a 12 month ticket on it for a pony and after a quick look around I bought it. It's had 3 owners in it's life and the last owner was a woman with a childminding business, with a service history the length of my arm I was fairly chuffed with my acquisition. So far Ive discovered that the air con does not work which is notsurprisingg to be honest. There is a fair amount of rust on it but a little TLC might eliminate most of the surface stuff. Can I ask you for your advice on what the usual problems are with these vehicles. Things that are easily sorted out by a fairly competent spanner jockey. Does it have cruise control? and how do you get it to work?. There is no manual to refer to so any help as to what to look out for on the forum would help enormously. I hope to be a frequentent user of the site. Kind regards. Nigel.
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