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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    2006 0n Galaxy Zetec
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    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Hi Every body, sorry to take the chat in a slightly different direction but as a new owner of my first Galaxy, I am really getting confused!! Just 4 days ago I bought what I believe to be a MkIII, on '56 plate (manufactured in June 2006, first registered in Dec 2006). This is a Zetec with the 1.8 TDCi 125 bhp engine. It has fold flat seats in both 2nd and third rows. But is this really a MKIII? My local dealer refered to the current model as the MkIII (ie the model I would get if bought it brand new today, but I understood the curent model was only introduced in 2010. Can anyone help solve my confusion so I can start buying accessories and spares please? many thanks. PS I agree the 125 bhp engine needs a bit of wellie from a cold start, but my experience is limited. Also I have noticed a dead spot in the engine revs when approaching round-a-bouts at about 10- 15 mph and then trying to accelerate on the RAB while in 2nd gear. I nearly collected a mini through the drivers door today when I put my foot down and there was a about a 3 second lag before the power built up and I was away. PPS I have also had the Zafira (3 of them) C8 and C4 grand picasso - all diesels and happy to swap experiences if anyone is interested.
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