hi, hope someone can help... batteries in the key fob died for my new (old ) MkI galaxy have read the owners manual about re-linking the remote to the car but it does not seem to work have 'unlocked' from the drivers door 3 times, held in the 'lock' button and pressed the 'unlock' button at the same time for three presses at various intervals but it will still not link with the car... where is the receiver point for the car remote, it used to work a bit before i changed the batteries but now nothing i might have 'un-linked' it with all my key fob pressings but im not sure if the car is actually getting a signal from the fob or not i only have one remote fob and would love to have it work as its a pain in the **** when your hands are full of tools and stuff to have to put all down and do it with the key any advise would be helpful