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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford alaxy
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    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Doas anyone know where I can download an exploded drawing of the automatic transmission for I think is the AG4 transmission.
  2. Remove relay Number 30 and re solder joint on its pcb. I had the same problem, the engine turns over but will not start,( did this a few times then would not start at all) light on door flashes continuasly then flashes one then six. The relay on my older Galaxy is behind fuse box drivers side. The hole unit has to be dropped down, and there are clips securing the two halves.
  3. Need help with 1998 ford galaxy 2.3 automatic, Engine turns over but will not start, No spark. Door light flashes error code 1 then six. Do all ford Galaxy,s have PATS and where is it. I think fault is between PATS and EECU acording to one site i visitid. Any more information would help.
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