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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by Integrity

  1. Really sorry for the confusion, I have had a really good auto electrician look at the parking sensors. It appears that there were four defective ones. I have obtained servicable sensors and fitted them. It now appears that the Box and sounder under the front nearside seat are corroded due to water ingress. and it is these that need replacing. Hope this clears up any confusion. Regards Jim
  2. jim did you have any luck getting your sensors? Hi, yes he did exactly same deal for me as he did for you, they arrived the following morning,unfortunately it now appears that I need a front parking control panel and buzzer. I have sent him an email to ascertain if he has one. Does anyone knopw if the front and back are the same please? Regards Jim
  3. Thank you very much for your speedy replies. I can now start on my quest to locate the correct sensors. Craig I have phoned and emailed alfredcorsa but as of yet recieved no reply. Once again thank you. Regards Jim
  4. Hello, I am new here and having purchased my first Galaxy I would imagine I will be spending a lot of time here. The parking sensors do not work on my vahicle. Auto Electrician suggests 2 at the front and 2 at the rear are faulty. My questions are 1. Are the sensors the same for both the front and back please? and 2. Has anyone got the part numbers for these sensors please. I have found some Mondeo sensors cheap, will these fit OK? Thanks so much in anticipation Regards Jim
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