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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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  • Vehicle Type
    Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia
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  • Region
    South East

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Morning All, Have had a scan of the site and cannot find an answer so though i would throw it out in the open. I am having the normal galaxy iissue with the wiring loom to the tail gate and the heated rear screen does not work. The rubber gaitor between the Main Body and the tail gate is knackered (read as doen not exist any more). Be cause of this i was thinking about trying to replace the loom in the tail gate but was wondering whether the connection into the Main loom is Car or Tailgate side and how easy this would be to change. Cheers Matt
  2. Morning All, New boy to the site guys so please be gentle..... Ok after having a good read around here i went out and purchased a nice shiny VAG COM USB Cable and VCDS Lite. Set the software up fine and got the driver installed (Only took me 2 mins i was expecting to be hours....) The qeury is the chassis type option. I am presuming Volkswagon Sharan but when i choose that option under Auto scan not a lot appears to happen. Is this correct? I have a 1998 2.3 Galaxy Ghia Ta Matt
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