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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by stevejannicole

  1. Anyone know where I can get hold of or has a loom or plug with wires. Purple wire on mine is beyond repair. URGENTLY required. Mk3 2.0 tdci ghia Galaxy.
  2. Got the same prob. The purple wire is broken right at the base of the module plug. Any idea where I could get another plug or even a loom with the plug, as I could splice the wires,because I noticed they're bonded in.
  3. My Gal was overheating which made it lose the gears and throttle. Problem was the fan not cutting in. Long story short. The purple wire on the fan plug had come adrift after being bodged before' Question is, if I re-solder the wire would it solve the problem?
  4. Hi. Does anyone have a request for password from Virteq.com keep popping up? Not sure if it's genuine or a Hacker.
  5. Bought my 2009 Ghia without roof rails (stupid me). Seen some on fleabay but wondering how to fit them and do I need to remove any interior roof trim? You tube has nothing on it so relying on the experts out there.
  6. Cheers guys. Gonna get to work and have a proper look. Iwork at a bus garage and they have air con, so we have a company that maintains them. Hopefully the guy does private work, I know he's got all the equipment. Here's hoping.
  7. Driving along when screeching noise of belt heard. Pulled over only for engine to stall. ODD, being auto.Managed to carry on with no problem when climate control switched off. Could this be clutch on air con unit or the whole shabang needs replacing? Anyone help?
  8. :) Does anyone have the NCAP results for the galaxy?. I have a 2000 X reg 2.3 ghia and cannot get any results because the NCAP website is near on impossible to access.
  9. :16: Cruise was working fine till a few months ago. Now not even the light comes on on the dash. Would a perished hose keep the light from coming on or could it be a wire fault in the stalk?. Also is there a fuse or relay that could create this problem? I've got a mk2 2.3 ghia auto with 65K on the clock. Any help or ideas would be much appreciated.
  10. Just did my tensioner. I've got a mk2 2.3 but apparently they are the same. If you know someone with average mechanical knowledge then it's not a big job. Mine cost 94 pounds from fords and managed to get it over a pit, which makes the job alot easier as the mounting bolt goes through from behind and can be awkward to get to. Don't forget to buy a new belt. Mine now runs as sweet as a nut and is so quiet I can hear my radio. Good luck.
  11. :D At last, the mystical realm of the tensioner can be revealed. When I first got the afore mentioned item I thought.'Hello, there's a threaded hole behind the wheel. I wonder if I have to remove said wheel before bolting the thing to the block'. After getting the car over a pit at work and looking at it from a different angle, I noticed that the bolt enered from behind the tensioner. Thoughts along the line of 'DERR' and 'PR*%%' flashed through the old noggin. No need to dimantle tensioner, just raise the car up enough to get behind the tensioner and the job is quite straight forward. Good luck to any one about to do this job, and thanx to all those on this forum who helped with advice. ;)
  12. :lol: Done it. best to get her up on ramps as the bolt is at the back of the tensioner. Put the hint on FAQs. Thanx for your help. The old gal sounds as sweet as a nuts(no squirrels having a fight anymore). ^_^
  13. Just did the tensioner on my mk2 2.3 gal. first try to get it up on ramps or even better over a pit as this will make life alot easier. after releasing the tensioner and removing the belt there is one bolt which holds the tensioner on. This is BEHIND the tensioner which is why the ramps are needed. its a bit of a tight fit but once undone the thing just comes off. Reffitting is just the reverse.A pain in the butt, but the old gal runs so quiet it's wierd. Should take an hour if you can get her up off the ground. Hope this helps.
  14. :) Going to change the tensioner on my gal tomorrow. Can anyone tell me what size and type of spanner I need eg TORX, HEX, or just a plain spanner? before I spend 2 hours searching through my toolkit. :blink:
  15. :huh: So far as I can see, once you've got the belt off, you have to undo the bolt in the center of the wheel so you can get to the mounting bolt (yep only the one). Then its just a case of reversing the procedure. Only prob is that Iwonder if you have to remove the wheel bolt ( for want of a better description) before you put the thing back on. Any hints would be a help before I go and get me spanners. :wacko:
  16. :D Just had to buy tensioner for my mk2 2.3 gal. Told by all sources it's a dealer part, so went and got one from Dagenham motors in Plaistow, London. Cost
  17. :wacko: Got a squeeling noise like 2 rats having a fight. Traced it down to the tensioner but am a bit wary of how to remove & replace said component. Also have noticed that they are quite dear for such a small thing. I would be grateful if any one can tell me how to remove and replace it and where the cheapest place to get one is. I live in east london by the way. thanx in advance for any help.
  18. :o Can anyone let me know if getting a coolbox is worth the money. Do they really get cool/cold/luke or what? :D
  19. :) Halfords do a range in carbon fibre look, although no roof bar kits. paddy hopkirk do them around the
  20. :D Thanks for the info Nik, but it works out that the haynes manual was ok for the mk2 as well. I had to remove the air filter box to see where it went, but it seems to be fine now. Let's just hope it was nothing else that made the thing come off in the first place. Once again thanks. ;)
  21. :D Can anyone tell me if there is a workshop manual available for the mk 2 galaxy? I've got one for the mk1 but there are alot of differences.
  22. :D Thanx. I'll give it a try. It's different than the haynes diagram. I'll let you know how it goes.
  23. Could anyone tell me the correct routing for the aux drive belt on a 2.3 mk 2 ghia galaxy. I've tried , but cannot seem to get the tensioner to give me enough to put the belt back on. The only thing is perhaps i'm routing it wrong. I'm going on the haynes mk1 galaxy manual as they don't print a mk2 version. :P Is there a difference?
  24. Thanx. I'll have a look as soon as I can get it on a pit at work. :D
  25. :blink: I have a 2.3 auto Galaxy and I tried to pull away from a roundabout a bit sharpish the other day. revs went high but no drive until I came off the throttle.everything went back to normal and has been fine since,although I'm a bit wary of giving it some welly. Could this be just fluid level or is there a more serious underlying problem waiting to kick me in the butt. Any advice guys? :ph34r:
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