recap so far. Changed fuel filter and found the ECU boost pressure sensor pipe frayed through so I cut the frayed bit off and reconnected it. Since then have been having numerous limp home faults which reset if the engine is switched off. I've replaced the MAF sensor and tried blanking the EGR valve. All no good. I had the codes read on Monday and the only one, apparently, was the MAP sensor. If you blew/sucked on the pipe that I shortened it seems as though there was no resistance indicating another hole. So I replaced the pipe as far back as the accelerator pedal i.e from the engine manifold right back through the engine bulkhead to just above the pedals. Now if you suck/blow there is no leak. However the fault is still there. The fault I now realise is not random. It will occur in exactly one of two situations. A] when you accelerate hard in 4th or 5th gear and when you get to about 3200-3500 rpm or B] if you pootle along on 4th or 5th at about 2-2500 rpm when it will slip into limp home mode without you realising until you have to accelerate. It will also occur with or without the pipe connected and seems to happen (although I'm not so sure about this) once the engine is less than cold. I'm beginning to think a call to the Seat garage is called for. I'll have the ECU out at the weekend but as the fault is so specific I'm not sure what to do.