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About burg

  • Birthday 07/19/1962

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    ford galaxy tdi
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  • Region
    South East

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  1. as you say guys it doesn't give you confidence in ford, maybe i'll give V.W. a ring do you think they will give a different answer. Thanks for all your help chaps, forum is brilliant i hope i can contribute with some useful stuff in the future, i'll let you know if V.W. say any different.
  2. hi mirez,i will change the pump but i kinda like to hear the ford spiel and see them squirm a bit, also thanks for that about the mk4 golf i didn't know that and our other car is a mk4 golf, so thats not working either,i'm not having a good day today still it's nice to know,[they allways say a day without learning somthing is a wasted day] cheers mate. I'll let you know what ford say it may be a laugh at least got my reply from ford technical division today quote! after switching on booster heater, the auxiliary coolant pump starts up to circulate the coolant whilst it is being heated. the pump may also occasionally continue to operate after engine shut down for a brief period of time to circulate the coolant should certain unexpected conditions exist, e.g. if the engine management system detects a very high over-heating situation starting to occur, Under normal operations the coolant pump switches off when the engine is shut down. hope this info is useful to somebody.
  3. hi mirez,i will change the pump but i kinda like to hear the ford spiel and see them squirm a bit, also thanks for that about the mk4 golf i didn't know that and our other car is a mk4 golf, so thats not working either,i'm not having a good day today still it's nice to know,[they allways say a day without learning somthing is a wasted day] cheers mate. I'll let you know what ford say it may be a laugh at least
  4. hi chaps, back again,after i last went to local ford dealer and they still said they think it operates at certain temps,they then gave me an exploded diagram of the pump and told me thats as much as they can do, why they gave me the diagram i dont know ,there is no info on it. Unfortunately or fortunately which ever way you look at it i didn't buy the car from them so i won't be able to get anymore info from them so i have spoke to the technical section of ford itself and i must say he didn't seem to confident and after a couple of muffled attempts to answer told me he would have to read up on it but i would be better writing in with a request for the info and they should give me the info in writing, what do you think of my chances,not much eh.I have written a letter anyway and even put a stamped adressed envelope in with it. Watch this space,
  5. Yes and No, he's confused the aux heater and the run-on pump. The auxiliary heater (of which the run-on pump is most associated) only runs when the temperature is below 10*c HOWEVER the run-on pump has multiple roles and runs at ALL times when the engine is running and for 3 minutes after... if the pumps not working now then there is no way the auxiliary heater will work when the temps go below 10. So once again he's mistaken... hi chaps,went back to local ford and still they say it only works at a certain temp,so i rang another dealer who would only say they just plug the vehicles in to diagnostic and do what the machine says,but advised me to read the hand book that comes with the vehicle and sure enough it was in there, unfortunately i dont know how to put photos on these posts to show you [due to me being a technophobe] but if you have the hand book with your cars it is on page 76 and it says "the booster heater[not to be confused with the additional heating system] is a standard feature on diesel vehicles and can only be activated when the engine is running.It aids in warming both the engine and the interior compartment. The booster heater switches on automatically if the outside temp is below 10 deg C and the coolant temp is below 75 deg C." then tere is a few lines of bunf and then, "when the booster heater is activated a ticking sound can be heard coming from the pump.when turning off the engine the blower can still be heard for a short period. in order to avoid a build-up of heat, the system is cooled down by the after-running effect". i have now stopped about 5 vehicles all have not got the run on noise. I reckon all the people in Ipswich with galaxys think i'm cuckooo
  6. Yes and No, he's confused the aux heater and the run-on pump. The auxiliary heater (of which the run-on pump is most associated) only runs when the temperature is below 10*c HOWEVER the run-on pump has multiple roles and runs at ALL times when the engine is running and for 3 minutes after... if the pumps not working now then there is no way the auxiliary heater will work when the temps go below 10. So once again he's mistaken... cheers mirez, i'll be back to fords again tommorow armed with even more ammo, i'll probably be back tommorow with a job offer for you.i'll keep you informed.thanks
  7. have been back to ford armed with pictures and part numbers i got from faqs part of technical section [only just found this after how many weeks] he first of all said this was only on swedish models, than he rang back to say it is on mine but only works when outside temp is below a certain degree, does this make sense to you guys
  8. thanks gregers i'll try again
  9. i am a trainee member and did post a question about run on pumps.I have had loads of help and due to your help have just about cracked it.I also said i would keep you informed how things turned out, ihave tried to post some more info but have been told i have exceeded my posts allowed, could anyone tell me what to do next,but could you explain as though you are explaining to a kid as i have very limited computer skill,thanks burg
  10. i am a trainee member and did post a question about run on pumps.I have had loads of help and due to your help have just about cracked it.I also said i would keep you informed how things turned out, ihave tried to post some more info but have been told i have exceeded my posts allowed, could anyone tell me what to do next,but could you explain as though you are explaining to a kid as i have very limited computer skill,thanks burg
  11. Agreed - there are no two ways about it - ALL MK2 Diesels have this pump so for them to say they don't know what you are talking about would start alarm bells ringing for me. Fortunately, you can see it without moving anything in the engine bay (just) so when you take it in you can point it out to them - then tell them to look up "Auxiliary coolant flow pump" on ETIS if they still won't believe you! Just make sure its deffo dead first or you'll look a bit of a fool lol. hi mirez,i didn't buy the car from the ford dealership,it was one of the technical blokes in a suit,i'll try and catch one of the mechanics.also do any of you know how i can download a copy of the workshop manual cheers chaps. i'll keep you updated on the run on pump saga
  12. thanks again mate have spoke again to ford dealer about this pump running on for a few minutes after engine switched off,and they still say they haven't got a clue what i'm talking about. strange hey
  13. first of all happy birthday, just seen your profile hope you had a great day.secondly thanks yet again for the advice, have bled the system as you said and heater now seems to be working and the temp light has gone out so cheers for that mate.also have seen the run on pump but definately can't here it,do you know what damage this can do if its not working.hope you don't answer this tonight or before tommorow afternoon,if you do you will have to have another go at celebrating at the weekend.have a gooden.
  14. thanks for the advice chrispb123456 i'll try that tommorow.fingers crossed,another problem i have found, the heater blows hot and cold,which i think probably needs bleeding would you agree,because the temp is normal 90
  15. thanks for the advice chrispb123456 i'll try that tommorow.fingers crossed,another problem i have found, the heater blows hot and cold,which i think probably needs bleeding would you agree,because the temp is normal 90
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