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    Mk2 Galaxy TDi 90ps
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  1. didnt really answer my quesiton, but i appreciate the help. finally got back from work overseas to sort this. you didnt mention if i can just replace the solenoid, or the whole starter? :rolleyes: anyone else had this?
  2. didnt really answer my quesiton, but i appreciate the help. finally got back from work overseas to sort this. you didnt mention if i can just replace the solenoid, or the whole starter? :rolleyes: anyone else had this?
  3. didnt really answer my quesiton, but i appreciate the help. finally got back from work overseas to sort this. you didnt mention if i can just replace the solenoid, or the whole starter? :rolleyes: anyone else had this?
  4. didnt really answer my quesiton, but i appreciate the help. finally got back from work overseas to sort this. you didnt mention if i can just replace the solenoid, or the whole starter? :rolleyes: anyone else had this?
  5. didnt really answer my quesiton, but i appreciate the help. finally got back from work overseas to sort this. you didnt mention if i can just replace the solenoid, or the whole starter? :rolleyes:
  6. The starter sometimes doesnt engage all the way on the wifes galaxy, leading to it grinding like hell every now and again when it doesnt.. then we just have to try it a few times. I dont want it to get to the point where it wont start at all and its got her stuck. can i just replace the solenoid or do i just have to replace the whole starter?
  7. Yep, was loose and had wound itself in. Took it out by removing all the other 3 bolts that were still torqued up and matched it with the head, no more metal wandering about in the engine ;) All sorted now, was a bit rattly on startup due to no oil in the top end but soon sorted itself out. Thanks to all who replied.
  8. perfect, thats what i used. main dealer didnt have a clue. incidentaly i bought this set to fit them: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/270626176136 was cheap and of good quality. worked perfectly and got here the next day.
  9. yep, certainly is. in this case anyway it was cylinder 3. *or third from left if the sequence is different.
  10. whats the recommended torque setting for the OEM injector rocker stretch bolts?
  11. Sussed it. Feel like a bit of a pleb for not noticing it the first time i had the rocker cover off, but its a proper 'jeeezus' moment. I decided to check all the torques on the bolts to ensure nothing had come loose. That was when i noticed that one of the four bolts holding one of the injector rocker rails on wasnt there! Then panic set in - if it wasnt there.. where the feck was it. Out of sheer and blinding luck, i felt right down into all the oil ways and nooks in the head and found it, and managed to get it out with a circular magnet attached to some strimmer wire (didnt want more metal flying about in the engine). One lucky escape. Thing is, looking under the head of the bolt i found its flush. The bolt left in the engine is sat about 2mm into the hole where it sits. So i started fishing again and found nothing more after an hour. So i took the oil filter off, and again came up with nothing. I intend to get the other three bolts off and see if the head of the bolt matches up to the rest of it. If not, ive got about 2mm of metal kicking about in the engine somewhere and its sump off time soon as it stops raining. Im aware these are stretch bolts and have to be replaced each time, so im *hoping* that it does match up once i get to it. Four new bolts on order from VW cost
  12. as per title, PD 1.9tdi engine, one duff injector shown by an engine knock and on vagcom. knock disappears on overrun when the engine cuts the fuel. vagcom shows 01 engine - 023 injectors: 19 - 35 - 34 - 36 So i presume the one with the lower fuel flow is at fault. How do i work out which injector this is?
  13. How would i know if its an injector? Surely the engine would run rough and/or vagcom scan would flag it up? Is there a way to test?
  14. Driving it today, when using engine braking the knock disappears. Could it be the 'reverse torque' of the engine braking stopping the knock? Any ideas what it could be from this? I intend to remove the camshaft on thursday.
  15. To be honest thats the speed i was at engine wise when it started - i was pulling about 3krpm on the motorway. Worth a go though i suppose, going to go out this afternoon and inspect the cam lobes and followers in detail. If i can ill put some photos up but theres not a lot to see tbh.
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