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  1. in short if your water pumpneeds changed...take plastic undertray off slacken off tensioner..13mm 14 or 15 on tensioner push it up slacken belt and take off from wing..up top air box out the way jack under engine for support take top engine mount off and lower engine..pulley off water pump then 5 10mm bolts and pumps off..clean face i used instant gaskit as well as the rubber 1 that came with pump..then new pump on then stick it back together..easy and quik...when u know how
  2. in short if your water pumpneeds changed...take plastic undertray off slacken off tensioner..13mm 14 or 15 on tensioner push it up slacken belt and take off from wing..up top air box out the way jack under engine for support take top engine mount off and lower engine..pulley off water pump then 5 10mm bolts and pumps off..clean face i used instant gaskit as well as the rubber 1 that came with pump..then new pump on then stick it back together..easy and quik...when u know how
  3. if anyone else is doin this job dont jack the engine up...take the engine mounts off then lower the engine and itll fall out easy givin loadsa room...
  4. got out to car for a bit today water pump nearly off just cant wiggle it out as no space..disconnected engine mount at top and jacked engine up still cant get the pump out...got 2 bleedin fingers now so callin it a day ..must be an easy way to get it out..cheers
  5. ok its not seized..engine was locked solid when trying to turn over but when i took the belt off the alternator to get into water pump i noticed a wee bit movement..pulled belt off into gear an rocked it..was lookin ok..battery in turned over fine..water pumps solid so figure it was jammed tight and holdin the crank via belt hence wouldnt turn over..phew..now just to try get the water pump off..
  6. theres plenty oil in the engine so not expectin a prob at the bottom end..had it in gear rockin the car and nothin moves..still to take plugs out as my plug socket too wide for the holes...will get them out an see im pistons move ok..if still solid the heads comin off
  7. Does it look and smell normal? Also, is it turning over but tight, or is it siezed up solid? seemed to be seized solid...wouldnt turn at all just a slight movement and a tight squeel noise..have to rocker cover off just now engine still solid so think ill need to strip it back and could be lookin at a new c/head
  8. oil level fine let engine cool down before tryin to fill it ..ill take plugs out tomoz and see if itll turn over..def sounded tight and seized tho...cheers
  9. while drivin home the other night red light at water temp was flashing so i stopped the car..steam pouring from bonnet tried filling up with water but it just leaked straight back out...figured water pump knackered,...engine would still run...next day went to move it so could put on trailer and engine seems seized tight..wouldnt turn at all..it was really hot..if the water pumps seized would that stop the engine turnin over?..cheers 2.3 petrol s reg
  10. cheers the gal i have was sittin for over a year and the rear discs have a couple of scores so ill be changin them soon as they come and ill check the connectors later today..if the light still comes on ill sit in the garden wi another beer hehe and think about it...just givin the carpet time to dry will head out soon..wen i first noticed the wet carpet just after i washed it i was expectin to get the welder out an be puttin plates in the floor..glad this forum exhists as was an easy fix wen u know wots wot
  11. hi my lights were flicking on then off again when pressing the brake so i took the cowling off and noticed the connector was slack.i used a screwdriver to bend the 2 spade connectors at an angle so when the connector went on it was tight...work braw now...just fixed ma water leak as well as the drain was well blocked..all clean an flushed out..just got the seats out an carpet up as there was an inch o water onj the floor..mopped out an cleaned now..carpets gonna survive but underlay stuff stinks so once its all dry ill find somethin to use as sound deadning..havin a beer as the car sits outside in the sun an wind dryin off..lol...just the abs light to figure now an its all sorted ..
  12. thought id say hi..paul from east lothian just got new motor today..twas really cheap as had been sitting for a year or so but drove home..30 miles no probs..has wet footwell both sides so ill be checking drain holes tomoz..errr abs light on and brake lights flik on then off so ill be fiddlin wi the switch as well..so far thats it but ill dog deeper tomoz..drives braw tho and loadsa room for my rugrats hehe cheers for the info so far great forums :angry2:
  13. My rule of thumb Pete is when you first get the car if it don't have service records flush it, then if you use good quality oil and regular changes it is not needed hi mate im a newbie here just got my galaxy today so learnin about them on here..cheers..have had a few imprezas and got a really rare 1 just now and in my opinion id never use the flushes..better using cheap oil for about 100 miles then drop it and fill with decent stuff..
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