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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy tdi
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    North East

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  1. hi again in response to advice fuel cut off valve ok replaced o'ring just incase of leak, no aftermarket tuning boxes anywhere all looks untouched, checked what must have been about twenty earth points all round gal looks ok boot wires damaged next to tailgate hinge have been repaired properly all ok, car fully serviced vac pipes all replaced pipe from next to intake air temp senswhich goes to ecu looks ok and is not vacuum pipe must read air temp or pressure or something at ecu. Just can't seem to find fault, is gal running in safe mode ??? VW said they would tell me the exact fault for
  2. Hi there when I check srs system through vag-com always shows that code and puts airbag light on dash but shows no faults after a fault code reset not giving me any trouble, hope this helps.
  3. Hi my 96 Gal tdi also has them warning lights on for abs and handbrake the ford owners handbook says both lights on together means a fault with abs consult ford dealership, problem I have is my gal has not got abs !! Hope this Helps.
  4. After reading article from link at tdi club don't think has been modified unless directly wrote onto ecu, also noticed oil in vacuum pipe from turbo wastegate actuator, if weather holds out and not off to Croft sat. will do more check's and test, cheers all.
  5. Thanks to all will look into fuel cut of valve o ring etc. will keep you all updated since leaving engine guard of top and bottom have heard a light hissing noise under load between 1500 and 2000rpm from what sounds like engine bay and click from relay in fuse box when gal starts to struggle, once again, thank you all.
  6. Hi there this is the first time i've ever posted a problem with one of my cars have always found problem and fixed it ok, not this time, so here goes. I won a quality 1996 Gal 90bhp with 1Z engine on fleabay a month ago in excellent condition and she was, previous owners seem to have looked after her. To cut a long story short owner said she just needed a Maf meter so after driving car home at 50 mph started investigating fault, bought a vag-com diagnostics and after scan revealed 553 Maf sensor 539 Fuel temp sensor 522 Coolant temp sensor 777 throttle position sensor 527 Intake air temp sensor All of these have been replaced 3 times I have a bag full of sensors mafs and bulkhead sensors, have removed and cleaned inlet manifold and egr valve, replaced all vacuum pipes bar the one going through bulkhead to ecu (if that's where it goes} looks ok but will change eventually.This is what happens with car; Idles at 1300 rpm hot or cold and sometimes goes higher and lower as if she's scavenging for fuel, has been fully serviced by myself including little white T filter with o ring on top of fuel filter, she pulls like a train up till 2300 rpm in every gear to 60 mph but on long uphill stretches will drop to about 50'ish. Diagnostics will not reset fault codes neither my cheap vag-com or my friends
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