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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by patchster

  1. Hi there i was wondering if anyone could tell me whats wrong with my clutch,when its in neutral and you push the clutch down and bring it almost all the way back up it makes a loud clicking noise which stops when its fully up,you dont really notice it much when your changing gear whilst driving??? Cheers,Pete.
  2. Hi,i just wondered if someone can tell me why the screen on my radio is flashing ,everthing is working and the screen display is correct but it wont stop flashing. Cheers,Pete. P.S its an 04 Ghia.
  3. Can anyone give me a rough idea how long it is safe to drive my 04 galaxy when the brake pad warning light comes on. Cheers,Pete.
  4. Hi,i am about to change the oil on my 04 Galaxy (6o,ooo miles)and was wondering wether its a good thing to flush the engine through as ive heard some people say not to do it. Cheers,Pete.
  5. Hi, i was wondering if i could get some advice on how to remove the front bumper on my Galaxy Ghia 04,as im not the best at this sort bof thing. Many thanks,Pete.
  6. Hi ,i was wondering if someone could give me some idea on how to remove my front bumper on my 04 Galaxy,im not the best on this sort of thing and was wondering how difficult it is. Thanks in advance,Pete.
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