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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    ford galaxy tdi ghia
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  1. I gave this product ago today with impressive results took me a while to get the flexi exhaust off though... :D First impressions after the test drive are pretty good seems to be boosting through the rev range now and its not going into limp mode when climbing hills on the motorway which was my problem... Before applying the cleaner i could hardly move the actuator and slowly during the cleaning process it moved more freely the more you moved it. I would say though ditch the shite cardboard cover you get in the set and make a plyboard one instead the cardboard one leaked,its easy enough to do using the gasket as a template which is on the turbo/exhaust. Anyhow i`m pretty happy now just see how it goes now, as o/p stated i`ve also been through all the other proceses looking for leaks in vac pipes etc and this was the last job before i took the plunge for a turbo which isn`t cheap...Finger crossed
  2. thanks to the original poster on this topic much easier from above only removed the indution pipe and the diesel filter cheers redders
  3. thanks for the reply did you have the head skimmed or new head and how much did it cost you all in. thanks yeah they skimmed the head it also needed a new cam, off top of my head with all the parts required gaskets oil etc it was
  4. have a look on your v5c should be on there
  5. I had the same symtoms while towing my trailer tent on the motorway, temp light came on temp gauge went to full... undid the water filler cap and it was under pressure blew a load of air out(steam everywhere lol), luckily i had some water i slowly poured some in after letting it cool for about half an hour and it took about 2 litres so boiled quite a bit... cut a longer story short (mechanics humming and arring etc) it was the head gasket got it sorted but wasn`t cheap and its been fine since...
  6. If you are using IE (Microsoft Internet Explorer), the FAQs dont work. IE is a broken browser that doesnt work with a lot of forums. Install and use a different browser, such as Firefox, Google Chrome or Opera. My recommendation is Firefox as then you can use the Adblock Plus add-on which give you a surfing experience free of intrusive advertising. Cheers for the info seatkid... i`ve installed firefox now i can read it... hopefully get my temp sensor sorted now! thanks again.
  7. hi i`m having trouble viewing topic 56 in FAQ section any help with this would be appreciated... http://www.fordgalaxy.org.uk/ford/index.php?showtopic=11854&st=0&p=98280entry98280
  8. not to sure if you can do what your asking about but this is cheap enough.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FORD-GALAXY-1-9TDI-MANUAL-SPEEDO-CLUSTER-/140587851178?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item20bbb05daa
  9. thanks very much for the info.... put the code in and all working as it should again... :lol:
  10. just to jump on this wagon, i`ve changed my ecu and my cruze as stopped working anychance of this info too thanks
  11. I`ve done it!!! it was held in by two t20 security torx screws,1 of them was hidden under the loom behind the clusters which i couldn`t at first hence the question. craig
  12. hi can anyone help? i need to get my pats controller out, i`ve attacked it through the cluster and from behind the fuses/relays, i just need to know whats holding it in and how to get it out to replace it? thanks craig
  13. These insurance quotes are unbelievable? I could only dream of paying those prices, the price i have to pay is most definatly a location related issue. Must be this dead beat town i live in lol :rolleyes: And thanks to all for the replies.
  14. hi, yeah mine sits at an angle, angling back on the nearside...
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