Many many moons ago i converted an old MKII escort estate (in roman bronze metallic....not $hit brown like many people said it was!!) from automatic to manual and that was a ball ache of a job in the end. Had to change flywheel, gearbox, engine to gearbox flange/gasket, pedal box including all pedals, driveshaft, make new gearbox mountings because the gearbox tunnel was wider on the auto than the manual and the auto mounting plate allowed the manual box to drop too low (had to guestimate the drop needed then added several washers to make up the remaining mm requirements) , make a hole for clutch cable (you will possibly need the clutch/brake master cylinder for the galaxy unless yours has the same model but the clutch parts are blanked off), fit new carpet and gearbox trim panel inside then i had to get a big hammer and make a very large dent in the gearbox tunnel so my foot could actually operate the clutch pedal.....there was a big difference in widths Dunno whether the same problems would occur on the galaxy, I only changed mine because I had a doner car given me and being a 1.3 the auto box would suck all the power there was......if there was any power in an old ohv 1300cc Mk II escort estate that is :D Hope this helps Scott