hey guys,just now joined this club of galaxys cause have one too,mk2 2000year X reg,115p, got one issue and seems that its this one where im replying to. Car drives perfect,but time to time turbo just like swiches off,no power going to hill and etc. and keeps draging on 40 on 60 mile road,and that really not good thing when peapole overtakes you cause you slow... BUT big but ,while im driving when i notice that turbo went off,cause accelerator till end,and car still at same speed,if i turn off ignition and restart engine quickly it works again from nowhere.. turbo just comes back to lifeh,and car keeps goin as it should... so i want to find out what could cause this, ive tried to unplug air flow and then tried to have a ride ,but turbo didint worked so that means that air flow sensor is allright and not needed to change,but after this try i cant find a clue where could problem be... still havent tooked it to garage to have a check cause i know how much they charge and sometimes does things wich not needed at all to fix it.can someone give advice what to do,where to clean and what to clean ? or its not cleanable.. at least my prob.