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About purplemadboy

  • Birthday 10/09/1964

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  • Vehicle Type
    Galaxy Ghia 2.2 TDi
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purplemadboy's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/8)



  1. Genuine Ford part locking Roof Bars, VGC . Never been used for carrying only used as rear spoiler.
  2. can anyone tell me which wheel I should get as a spare? (one from a scrap yard)
  3. I wouldn't have thought an additional 10kg would make any difference at all.. Mike I take it your not a caravaner..10kg is night and day
  4. Hi guys my mk3 has a tow ball limit of 75kg is there any way of uping this to at least 85kg?
  5. Thanks very much insider
  6. The on mine only gives weights
  7. Hi Guys sorry for being a pain but i cant find my owners hand book,can someone tell me what the tyre pressures should be for towing and not towing please in psi....ta
  8. Ok guys turns out that the battery was knackerd
  9. Hi Januus ,couple of good points you made..it wasnt too cold -5 but the car was not locked as it was in my garage..going to the dealers with it tomorrow and see what they think.
  10. Update.....The car sat for a couple of days and you guessed it battery dead again, so this time I charged the battery with my mains charger for half an hour and then the wife and I went away for the weekend, drove the car for 150miles in the round trip,put the car back the garage when we got home (sunday) tryed to start the car on wednesday and the battery was dead. Car is booked into the dealers for monday morning...will let you know what they say when I get it back.Or if you have anything I should ask them please let me know.
  11. Update got Green Flag out,guy started the car with a jump from his big lorry with flashing lights ...he is my hero :rolleyes: ps he said those recharge kits that work through the cigar lighter are not worth a monkeys!
  12. I bought a Ring CarStarter and had it charging all day ( i know it says 8 hrs but i had it on for 4hrs)after charging the car battery with it, the still didnt turn over. What the symptoms are ,the dash goes blank and all the relays click when you try and start the car.The strange thing is all the courtesy lights work! Do I have a flatish battery or is there another fault?
  13. Hi . I know its a dumb ass question but my car has not moved in two weeks ,should the battery hold its charge longer than that?My other problem is that the car is nose first into my garage thus I cant jump start it,even if I could get jump leads to the battery I can only see one terminal,how doI get to the other terminal to attach a battery charger?
  14. Got the car back on Saturday and they say it was frozen fuel that caused the error. Got into the car this morning (its hotting up -4)with an error saying "Alaram Activated" any ideas on this one or does it need to go back to the garage?
  15. Its book in for his Friday.EH Motherwell
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