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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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    Ford Galaxy
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    South West

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Newbie (1/8)



  1. Hi there, Been having a good few problems with my 1998 Ford Galaxy, 2.8 V6 Petrol model and could really do with some help to diagnose the problem? Had the car many years now, engine has reached around 100k miles and service intervals have been met. Here are a list of problems i've noticed: -On full steering lock, either left or right, the car stalls -While driving/cruising and then putting foot down "quikly" to accelerate the car kind of hestiates before gaining speed/accelerating -Strong smell of fumes/petrol outside of the car on a regular, but not constent basis -The car seems to be using a fair amount of engine oil, needs regular top ups but i can not see any obvious oil leaks? -Car randomly cuts out now and again while at a standstill -The revs hunt up and down now and again below 1000RPM, car gets close to cutting out -I know these engines are bad on fuel, but i feel my car is using more then it should be I'm assuming all of these problems are not related, but any advice as to what the problems could be would be amazing, and any solutions and ways to check for problems would be nice Cheers
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